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"Huh? I can't open this." Jennie said to herself but still making sure that her boyfriend can heard it.

Which really happened, she caught his attention. Even though he was mad, he still take the soft drink can out of her hand and opened it for her. She secretly smiled when he gave the can back at her.

She's been trying to get his attention ever since this early morning. They have a fight over a picture where Jennie is in the bar with bunch of people.

He's not strict when it comes to her going out with a friend on a bar, but what made him furious is he never knew. She didn't tell him where she was while he was there at their apartment completely worrying about her.

Jennie knew her mistake so she didn't argued back but she's getting annoyed from his treatment to her. She's on her month and it's not helping her temper at all.

She look at the guy on her side who's still ignoring her and look away immediately. "Fine, if you want to ignore me, then ignore me."

She move at the very edge of the couch and use her phone to distract herself. Taehyung look at her and sighed.

"Love, you should've told me. I'm really worried." he said, slowly moving towards her.

Jennie put her phone down and face him. "That's  why I'm saying sorry the whole day. I know you're mad about it but can't you see that you're being immature here?"

"Oh so you're saying that worrying for your safety is being immature?" he scoffed sarcastically.

"No! Of course not! You're misinterpreting me again!" she snapped.

"Then telling me where you are is hard? I called you hundred times but all you do is dance with your friends. Completely forgetting that you have a boyfriend waiting for you." he said, getting mad.

As both of them were too furious, their argument went deeper and deeper until what Jennie said made both of them quiet.

"Then let's just break up!" she said out of anger.

Taehyung was too caught off guard on what she said until he realize that she was already in their shared room. He rushed into their room and his face soften after seeing her packing her stuffs while crying.

"Love, let's not go this far." he approached her and tried to hold her hand but she just yanked his hand away.

He's trying his best to stop her but she's so stubborn. She closed her suitcase full of her things and leave the room while still crying. He's begging her to not to leave but her decision is final.

Until Jennie hop inside a cab, Taehyung was trying to stop her but still ended up leaving him at the side of the road, down on his knees while crying mess.

She convince herself that it's for the better. Lately, she notice that both of them are distant because of busy schedules and will end up getting into a huge fight.

In their 3 years of relationship, they never had a massive fight so this is a new experience for them. They need some alone time. Growing together is hard so she decided that they need to grow apart.

Taehyung is in their room, hugging Jennie's pillow while crying and staring at their picture frame. together on the night stand.

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