Chapter 19

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Year 1502

Mirabel’s POV

“Sweetheart, James is here! And he has brought you a present!” I hear my “Mom” yell. She has been trying to get me and James to “Love” each other for almost a year.

He’s not even my mate! Aunty Jasmine understands. She does not make me do thing that I don’t want to do either. James is not a wolf either and he is also… a hunter.

Mother says that if I marry a hunter they would not suspect me of being the wolf. I am 18 years of age and unfortunately betrothed to James. Yes you have heard correctly. I am to be married to a human hunter. Humans are fairly annoying especially the ones who are idiotic.

I climb down from my room and walk over to where James is stood, holding a box of some sort.

“James,” I greet. I do not wish to speak to him. He is an idiotic hunter who prizes the heads of wolves. I would like to behead him and mount him on my wall. See how he likes it.

“Bella, you look stunning,” he greets and kisses my hand. My father Peter is watching closely. He does not approve of James either; he says that James is a threat. I don’t think of James as a threat though. I think of him as a weak human man child who takes joy on harming animals.

James hands me the box “For you, my love. A token of our love,” he says. I open the gift with a bored expression and see a silver bracelet. “It’s made of true silver so that the werewolves don’t harm you, my love,” James adds. “I think that in enough socialization for today, James. I think you should leave now. My daughter needs her rest for she is ill,” my father says quickly, shoving James out the door.

James quickly turns and walks back to me. “Here I’ll put in on your wrist. Sir you have nothing to worry, it is to protect her,” James says and turns back to me asking for my arm.

I sigh giving him my exposed arm. He puts the bracelet on me but I feel nothing but the cold metal on my skin. James smiles and walks out of my house with a goodbye.

When he closed the door I took the silver off, inspecting my arm but there was nothing. “I don’t understand, he said it was true silver, why does it not burn you,” my father asks. “For one, it’s because I am immune. I am a white wolf after all. Those are the most powerful in the wolf line,” I say “My mother told me before I had gotten lost,” I add quickly to keep them from suspicion.

“Or maybe it’s not real silver,” my father says touching the silver but hissing in pain after. “It is real silver and I will wear it if I don’t have to marry him. No suspicion,” I say but my mother shakes her head. “The wedding is two days from now, you cannot back out now!” she says loudly.

I huff and walk out of the house grabbing little Thomas and head towards aunt Jasmine. Thomas is my little brother. He was born after we had killed father’s brother Thomas; we named him after him because they look so alike. I told myself that I would make sure that this Thomas was not harmed.

We call hi Tommy. I enter Jasmine’s bakery and head towards her. “Aunty Jasmine!” I say happily. I see Lillian sitting outside, playing with a butterfly. That was until she grabbed it and ate it… Anyway, I set tommy on the counter and gave him some bread to chew on.

I had made Aunty Jasmine and uncle Stephan Half Angel as well. They protect me like their own. “So, please tell me that you had stopped the wedding from taking place yet?” Jasmine asked. I sighed “My mother would not allow it! She still thinks it would protect me, I don’t need protection,” I tell her.

She knows what and who I really am. “Maybe if you told her that and who you are, then maybe…” she trails off. “Aunty, I don’t think she’ll listen and I cannot tell her as well. I can’t turn so many people. The point of me turning people into Angel wolves is so that there will be a pack all across the world and when I need them, as their alpha and creator, that they will help me and I them,” I tell her.

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