Chapter 3

847 21 4

Year 1401

Mirabel’s POV

I was walking through the woods, when I heard it… crying… It felt like daja vu. It reminded me of myself when I was lost in the woods, the day Kurt and Keith found me and saved me. I followed the sound of crying to a little girl. She had a filthy ripped up dress on her body, her hair was a light brown mess, she had no shoes on her feet and she had marks and bruises all over her body. I walked over to her not caring it my large puffy dress got caught on twigs and ripped, I was concerned for this little girl. I walked up to her cracking some twigs in the process. Her head shot up, she looked terrified… she had a black eye… her eyes were the second thing I noticed… they were beautiful… her right eye was blue and her left was green. She had a scar on her cheek and it was bleeding!

I rushed over to her “Please don’t hurt me I’ll be a good girl, I won’t run away next time! Please!” she pleaded. I was shocked at what the little girl just said… she was abused! “Don’t worry… I would never hurt you…” I said with concern laced in my voice. The little girl looked relieved “Did mother and father send you to kill me?” she asked sobbing again. I grew extremely mad that her parent would ever think of something like that! “No… Love, what happened to you?” I asked worried. She looked up at me “Father punished me…” She said so softly that if I wasn’t a Wolf I wouldn’t have heard her “For what apparent reason?” I asked her sweetly. She looked at her feet again “I don’t know…” she said crying again. There was a ruffling in the woods a few feet away and then I heard it “Lillian! Where the hell are you?!” The angry male voice yelled.

I looked over at a frightened Lillian. I grabbed her and picked her up looking back to see the light coming closer as I held her in my arms. She was so frightened that she buried her little head in my chest “Excuse me?” a male voice asked sternly. I looked up and when he recognized me he bowed down “Sorry me Lady… but you have my daughter in your arms, may I have her back please?” He asked a bit politely this time. I looked down at the little girl who started to pray softly that her god must have mercy on her little soul if she dies tonight. That broke my heart, I looked up at the man “I will accompany you, she fell asleep and it is no trouble for me… I love children” I said walking toward the man.

He had wide eyes as I walked past him. I am the richest lady in the town. I am so rich that I have tea with the queen and the princess. But I never care for the money. I just care for this poor little girl in my arms that was pretending to sleep.

We showed up at the cottage with the mother standing in front of the door with an angry expression on her face. But it softened when she saw me holding her daughter. She bowed down at me and I just stared at her “May I come in?” I asked politely, she stumbled away from the door, guilt in her eyes. I walked in and the smell of liquor was everywhere and I scrunched up my nose in disgust. I looked over at the mother “Do you mind telling me what happened to this poor girl?” I asked. Both the parents looked at each other while I laid the little girl in her bed “Well?” I asked a little more demanding. They looked shocked but the father was the first to speak “Well… You see… she was reaching for the cupboard…um… full of liquor… and she… um… fell!… uh… and the liquor fell on top of her and she…uh… ran out into the forest… uh… because she was afraid we might have….uh… yelled at her” he finished his pathetic lie. I looked at the woman “Is this true?” I asked her. She looked shocked that I asked her this, but she stood tall and straight “Yes… It is” she said. I smiled and walked towards the door. I turned around to face them “Good night” I said and walked out of the door and into the woods.

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