Chapter 7

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“Moma?” Lillian asked walking into my office setting down Lucky so he could walk around.

“Yes dear?” I replied waiting for her to continue. She shifts uncomfortably. Ever since that horrible dead man raped her she’s been on edge and not acting like the vixen she’s supposed to be. She’s shy and delicate now, instead of flirtatious and sexual as vixens are born to act. She also stopped stealing and tricking people and instead, helping them.

“It’s my birthday today… I’m 18 now…and… I-I w-want t-to be l-like y-you…” she says catching me off guard. I knew it was Lillian’s birthday but I have forgotten that it was her 18th birthday.

“Lillian… Are you sure?” Beth walks in eyes concerned. Lillian might be 18 but to us she’s still a child, comparing our ages that is. But what she asked next shocked me even more.

“How old are you?” she piped up, eyes facing the floor. Beth and I look at each other and I step forward facing my little Lillian.

“Sweet heart… We are both 345 years of age…” I tell her. Her eyes widen and she takes a deep breath “I’m sure” she says facing the both of us.

Beth and I share a look, and then we both nod “Alright then… Go wait outside… I have to concentrate, and leave Lucky… I’ll need his help”

Beth looks at me as if I grew a second head “Why on earth do you need the help of a stupid feline? What on earth could he be of any help?” She asks baffled.

Lucky jumps on the counter and lifts his head “Excuse my intrusion on your conversation human, but my master needs to concentrate for the elixir to work… So if you don’t mind… Leave” Lucky tells her with venom dripping from his tongue.

Beth and Lillian look at the cat wide eyed.

“Oops…” Lucky adds after seeing their reactions “What?! When you sprout wings and fly that’s not surprising, but when you see a talking cat you find that strange?” Lucky adds jumping off the table and turning into a crow, flying onto my shoulder as I pluck a feather from him.

“Lucky Lucifer Savage! Watch your tongue, Lillian is still your owner and Beth is you’re scratching post, have some respect” I tell him strict. He bows his head in submission “Excuse my manners master”

Beth looks taken aback from the shifting cat to crow, but it does not bother me. After I made Lucky an immortal cat, something went wrong and he could shift into a human and any animal known to mankind, and he could also speak to humans that are not angel related.

“Mirabel you will explain to me later about how that feline or… whatever he is can talk!” She speaks venomously walking out with a baffled Lillian.

I turn to Lucky or Lucifer as we now call the trouble making cat and add “Next time a tad gentler and kinder?” I tell him, more of a questioning voice.

He changes into his 16 year old boy self and looks at me like I am stupid “I don’t think so master… That human is mean and cruel. She threw me in the lake once!” He says making me giggle while working on the potion.

“And by Human I presume you mean Elizabeth?” I ask laughing at the end. He hums in response “The reason she threw you in the lake was because you were stupid enough to get sprayed by a skunk” I add making him gasp.

“To my defence! That skunk looked like an easy kill!” He defended himself. I slit my wrist and let my blood poor in the potion making the elixir purple. Lucifer moved swiftly to my aid and wrapped my arm up after we had enough blood to make a dark purple elixir “Lucifer no skunk is an easy kill” I add turning around letting his assist me.

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