Chapter 27

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31 October 1096

Moon Goddess/Selene's POV

I'm squatting in the Alpha's den, in Labour for what seems like hours. "Kwahu, I'm in pain!" I yell to my mate, the Alpha of all Alpha's and the Alpha of our pack.

"I know my love, you must hold on, we're doing the best we can," he says to her calmly, making her feel safe. (AN: If you watched "Pirates of the Caribbean" then imagine 'Jack Sparrow' as Kwahu, Mirabel's father. BTW If you've noticed... Their Native American o.O)

My mate is sat in front of my, holding my hands in his, rubbing calm circles on them. It finally feels like I'm being spill in two for the 3rd time in my life. Keith and Kurt didn't hurt as much as this though.

Wanona walks in with more water in a turtle shell, along with Serafina, Kwahu's sister. Serafina held a damped cloth in her hand and removed the sweat from my forehead. I nodded a 'thank you' but soon yelled in pain.

Wanona was holding her hands underneath me waiting for the child to fall. A few minutes later I took my last push and heard a baby's cry. I leaned on Kwahu for support as he kissed my head mumbling an 'I love you'

Wanona walked off to clean my baby as Serafina cleaned me and gave me some new skins. I laid on some bear skins that were our sleeping place in the den and covered myself with the brown bear skin that was next to the black bear skin.

 "Selene..." I looked up to see my mate with my baby in his arms. He sat down in front of me smiling brightly like the sun. "It is a girl...What shall we name her?" he asked me with love in his eyes. He had always wanted a daughter to protect and all we had were sons.

"I think we should call her... Mirabel... It means 'Uncommon beauty'," I answer. He nodded and smiled brighter. "She will be our little Mirabel Lovelle Savage," he says with so much emotion. He leaned closer to me and handed me our child... Our Lovelle.

I held on to her as if she was a diamond that could shatter if I held her too tight. She had the most brownish deer-like eyes and the most beautiful smile. When she saw my eyes she instantly smiled like the brightest suns.

She had rosy cheeks and had tiny black hairs on her head. She then sneezed and laughed because a stray butterfly had come sit on her nose making her sneeze again. After that she laughed even harder. She was so full of life and happiness that it made me smile brighter than the sun above.

She had a laugh that could make you smile and the smallest hands and feet. She held onto my finger and looked into my eyes. I have never heard of a new born laugh, but since we're werewolves we adapt quite fast and so I blame that.

She takes a large yawn and moves closer to my warm. I wrap her up in the rabbit skin Kwahu had skinned yesterday. It was pure white and knitted so tha it was a lovely warm blanket she could wear.

"Moma...?" I hear Keith's voice, my eldest son. He is 7 years old and next in line to take Kwahu's place as Alpha. He carried Kurtus on his back. Kurt is my 2 year old son.

"Come over and meet your new sister," I say to the boys. "I have a sister?" Keith asked excitedly. I moved the furs out of the way and showed her sleeping face to the boys. Kurt moved his hand over to her face and stroked her cheek, taking his hand away quickly, making Kwahu and I chuckle.

 Keith strokes her cheek as well and whispers 'I will protect you with my life,' hoping no one heard, but I did. I stroked his face making him blush. He had the most beautiful crystal blue eyes that he got from me. He has some freckles alongside his nose and under his eyes that show how young he is.

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