Chapter 28

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Year 1871

Mirabel's POV

I climb aboard the large pirate ship that had stopped at London and find no one on board. Strange. If I remember correctly, pirates are never quiet... or ever leave their ship unauthorized...

Suddenly a large man swings out of nowhere and snatches me off the floor. He then tied me to a pole quickly, eyeing me up and down.

"What is a lovely lady like yourself doing on a scurvy ship like this...?" he asked seductively, taking his sword blade and running it to the side of my blank face. He then took the blade and lifted my dress slowly as my blood began to boil.

"Cane! Leave the lady!" someone yelled. I look up towards a man with long dirty blond hair, brown eyes and a bit of stubble upon his face, he must have gone to trim his beard since it looks somewhat tamed.

He looked at me concerned "It is but a child, you fool!" he yelled at Cane. Cane shrugged "She looked older when she stepped on the ship," he said sounding quite bitter. When I boarded the ship I was 18, but I made myself look 16.

"What are you doing here, child?" he asked bewildered. "I have an offer for you that will get you many treasures, but I need help of a pirate," I say looking him straight in the eye "But "I must accompany you... It involves mermaids and if anything happens to you men I will be held responsible. You can have all the treasure we find there, as long as I get the box held by the bones of the first pirate in existence No Name. He had the most treasure and the biggest ship ever build... You can have it all. Al I need is that box," I tell the pirate.

"Do you have the map?" he asked. I nodded and looked at the rope. The pirate cut the rope with one swift movement of his blade. The ropes dropped to the floor. "Show it to me," he demanded. "Is there a private room?" I asked him. He nodded.

I followed him to the captain's room and entered seeing a boy about the age of 16 or 17. "That is my son Matthew," the captain said sitting down on his chair. "No show me the map," he demanded once again.

I glared at him and held out my arm "I am the map," I said showing him the map underneath my skin. He blew out a frustrated puff, looking at me bewildered "I refuse to take a young girl on treasure hunt!" he said angered.

"Sir not to alarm you, but I am no ordinary girl," I stated. "Prove it," he demanded pulling me to the docks where all the pirates stood confused. Fight Ivan, he's our best," he stated as a large tanned man with many tattoos stepped out of the crowd holding a pirate sword.

"Choose your weapon," the captain asked. I looked at the table "You are wasting your time, if I kill him, his blood is on your hands," I say as I took the long silver sword, sharpened on both sides.

The pirate ran at me yelling. He... Is their best?! Just as he reached me I leaped into the air and landed behind his confused body, stabbing him in the back without looking, but not enough to injure him severely.

Ivan turned around lunging at me once more. Our swords clinked as they met and we fought while I slowly cornered him while he wasn't paying attention. He then grabbed his arms around my small figure, touching my breasts roughly as he laughed.

I lifted the sword and plunged it through my side and into his stomach. He stiffened. I ripped the sword out of my side and watched blood pour out of his mouth as I kicked him overboard. I stood there bleeding, yet feeling no pain, as this had happened more than once this week and I heeled quite fast and it was only in my side, it did not harm anything important.

I turned around bored to the bone. "If he was your best, then I'm afraid I'll have to take my task elsewhere," I stated walking to the ships exit. "Not so fast my lovely lady..." Said the captain. "I'm Captain Espinosa, and that was not my best... I just didn't want to harm you," he stated.

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