Lena o Lena

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This week went well. I always sit and talk with my new friend Liam (William) his a nice guy, he has the most beautiful ocean blue eyes you can ever imagine.

I am eating this spaghetti and sausage they make in the school cafeteria but Liam isn't eating, "hey are you OK?" I asked, he just nod, I knew something is wrong with him, I just don't want to pressure him to talk to me, after all I have my own secrets too.

I just continued eating my food, "fag! I need to talk to you" I heard from beside me, I look up to see one of the boys harassing Liam in the bathroom the other day talking to him. when Liam didn't make any move to stand, the boy dragged him by d shirt and lift him up his seat, dragging him away.

I trashed my food and run after them, "leave him alone" i scream after him, I followed him till we reach a clearing at the back of the school. He threw Liam to the floor, I ran to his side, and three boys came out to join him. "You want to die?" the boy dragging Liam earlier screamed at me, I shake my head out of fright.

They pushed me away and kicked Liam in the stomach, I ran over there this time receiving a kick to my face, that's gonna bruise, I internally said to myself. I just kept on protecting Liam, they now focused on me, they kicked me severally. Yah I know this was foolish, but I tell you what! I am used to being kicked and hit, so this is just nothing. I endured it all. "Well isn't this fun" the ring leader said to the others smiling I looked up at them with so much spite in my heart.

"If you keep on interfering with our business, you will always end up like this," he screamed at my face and stormed out. I collapsed into the floor letting go of Liam, he was panicking, "are you OK?" he asked trying to help me sit up. I grunted the pain was burning in my kicked ribs, I pray its not broken. "Yah am fine" I said to him, "can you stand?" he asked, "yah" I said trying to stand, I staggered and fell.

Finally I made it to the sick bay, the nurse was worried, she tried calling ambulance but I stopped her. I don't want my Forster parents to be worried I am used to this particular predicament, she gave me some drugs and allowed me to sleep with Liam watching me.

I woke up to some rustling of papers I woke up to see Nina scowling at me. I turned to the other side to meet Nina's parents worried faces I just sighed. "Hey baby are you ok? Wanna go home?" Nina's mom asked  touching my Cheek's, the Dad remained silent.

"Who did this to you?", I whipped my head to the side to look at were the voice is coming from. I saw the angry face of Nina's Dad, "um i. Its.. Ki. Kind of my fault" I stammered. "And so?" he yelled.

"Honey you have to calm down" Nina's mom said, trying to calm his angry husband down. He just sighed, "I will let it go for now, but you must tell me how, who and when this happened OK?", he said looking at me sternly, I nodded. I just left them at the dining room and walk to my room.

"who did this to your sister?"I heard Nina's mom asking Nina.

" How the hell should I know" she said," and she's not my sister", she said stomping away from her family. I just sighed into my pillow and retired for the night.

I had no enthusiasm going to school the next day, I was tired, restless, groaning in pain all through the night. Nina's mom asked me to stay back home, I objected. I need to be in school, especially to be with Liam, he needs my help. They felt pity for me, they insisted on buying me a car on my 17th birthday which was 6months ago. I never used the car because of the constant reminder from my dearest (note the sarcasm) sister Nina that I don't deserve it. But today I wasn't in the mood to walk at all. I entered the car checked the interior, when the car roared to life when I started it. My dear family ran outside, Nina's parents were smiling at me, Nina's face was glaring daggers at me. I smirked at her, I was so done letting that piece of shit dictate my life. When I drove off, I laughed out loud at Nina's face of horror, she never knew I can even drive, but her parents do, I learnt driving when I was in the orphanage. I quickly stopped laughing when d pain in my rib erupted. I drove to school and waited for my dear friend at the parking lot because I was early, today is gonna be good....,...........

(So this is chapter two, the best parts are coming up, this is a boy loving his fellow boy, and a girl loving a boy story. I.e straight and homosexual. If you don't like it, please stop reading from here thank u.. Next chapter am introducing new characters).

My best fruit is Apple. You?

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