chapter 11 (Lena)

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Slap. I ran away, I literally ran away after Razer kissed me. Why?? I don't know, it's just what my mind told me to do at that particular time.

He asked me out some time ago, I don't believe him, it sounds like a bet from somewhere. I have been deceived, hurt, and humiliated severally to believe that a hot guy like that is going to have feelings for me?.

I don't know what is going on between him and his brother they keep fighting, and they whisper while fighting who keeps whispering while they fight.

Liam do you know why these guys are fighting.

"Listen aside the fact that Razer saved my ass, I wouldn't be interfering with them." He said

"Well Razer kissed me", I blurted out to him.

"What?? He did?".he asked

"Yes", I replied

"He kissed me too." He said.

"What??.. He kissed you too?" I said shocked.

"No Jesus Christ no, I didn't mean Razer, I meant Parker" he defended.

"Oh," I said. "Its a good thing then isn't it."

"No its not, I don't know if he meant the kissing or he was molesting me like Kerman" he said feeling down.

"Am sorry" I said.

He nodes, "can you go get food I am fucking starving," he screamed.

I laughed at his behavior. "At once sir", I saluted. He laughed, I left my room down the kitchen, I don't know why but anytime I see Nina's parents, I kept wondering, if it was Nina in my shoes will they have let Kerman go like that. I sighed

"Hi Mrs smith" I greeted, I haven't brought my self to that space of calling her mom.

"Hi, sweetheart, are you hungry?" she coed, hugging me, she gave me a kiss on the head.

"Yes I am, Liam is here also" I said.

"OK dinner will be ready soon" she said.

"OK can I go with snacks to munch on, before dinner is ready?"

"Sure dear, this is your house you don't need to ask."

"Is it my house now?"  I asked in my head, I walked over to the cookie bar, I packed alot of biscuits, Liam eats like a Lion.

"Dinner is not ready yet" I announced once I got to my room.

"Nooo," he whined.

"But, I got cookies" I announced showing the biscuits I was hiding behind me.

He rushed them. He almost swallowed without chewing.

Liam was really starving, his brother gives him no food, he has no money, he only eats at the school cafeteria. Any day that Kerman gets to him, he goes hungry all through, looking at him munch hungrily on the biscuits brought tears to my eye's, it reminded me of when I was in the orphanage. He saw the tears drop, he crawled over to me.

"Lena you know you haven't told me your story right?" What really happened to you in the orphanage he asked?.

I sighed as i began my story "The woman we call mummy there was so wicked," i began

"she will hit you at the slightest mistake, when I turned 5 and no one came to adopt me, she turned on me totally, she said feeding me was a total waste of time.
I do all the chores around the house, even the one's my little hands cannot carry, this continued till I turned nine, on that faithful day I was beaten like a criminal because I took food from the pot and eat, she gave me chores that kept me from morning till 8pm, I haven't had any liquid or solid food items that day, no body visited the orphanage, i always hide and beg things from visitors to eat, I was exhausted from cleaning, my body was shaking. So I sneaked into the kitchen, I got food, ate to my satisfaction. she caught me eaten and instructed the gateman to beat me up, I was tied up and beaten with wire." I said sniffling.

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