chapter 12 (parker)

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Pacing my room up and down, I am worried, what the hell got into me. I am never this possessive of anything not even Nina, I liked Nina too, when she cheated I was pained but not as much as this. I hated it when Razer was talking about him like that, I don't like boys.

God please I don't like boys, help me please I don't like boys, I don't like boys I keep chanting, I need to keep my heart clean of all this. It felt really good kissing him. I am insane, I am fucking going insane, gosh I need another kiss. I sat down, I breathed in and out. Razer walked into the room.

"How do I look?" He asked.

"I don't god damn care." I fired back

"Relax what crawled up your ass and die". He asked beaming.

"Are you stupid or something, can't you see I want to be left alone" I said.

"Watch it," he said. Anger evident in his face.

Yah Razer can't hit me, he loves me too much.  I rolled my eye's.

"Now be a sweetheart and tell me how I look"  he said.

I looked him up and down, "were are you going?"

"On a date", he said

"With who?" I asked anger seeping into my voice.

"Well with a very, small, pretty, full lipped." He kept going on and on

I sprang up pushing him to the wall. "you will not go close to him understand?" I demanded.

With a single push I was on the bed, damn him and his Lord powers.

He scrawled ontop of me, it was a compromising position but who cares "I am your lords son, you dare not tell me what to do understand?". He asked

I looked at him, he got a point, his my lord, he can have anything he wants I can't stop him. Am just useless, at realisation I broke into tears. "Please Razer leave him for me please, am begging you." He smirked.

"Do you want a boy now?" He asked Stepping down from my body, I sat up.

"I don't know" I said, "I am trying to figure it out. I need him to figure it out" I said in tears.

"Well am still going to were I am going to"  he said.

I watched him leave, I cried the more, I really do want him, but not him......

I sluggishly walked to school this morning. Razer has been all smiles since the fight, I never get to see Liam, now he thinks am a monster, I sighed for the hundredth time this morning.
I took my books out from my locker, my heart leaped I look around to see him starring at me in the school entrance. Just then some guy dragged him away by the collar, what the hell I said to my self. I contemplated on following them, I just fished my books out then followed them.

I opened the first bathroom stall, I felt a pang on my chest. This is not good I said. I heard shuffling in the last stall, I opened it to come face to face with Liam making out with the guy that dragged him away, I couldn't breathe, I stood there transfixed watching them. When the guy starts unbuckling his pants belt I dashed out to leave, I heard liam say. "no, no please am still sore, I don't want to do this please."

Then the guy said the worst word I never want anyone to use for Liam.
"Shut up you whore, you give me what I want when I want it". He fired

"No please stop." Liam begged.

there was struggling and ripping of clothes.

I rushed back there, and saw Kerman reaping his shirt off.

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