chapter six (Lena)

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Tell you what? the hottest guy on earth is starring at me right now. Liam has told me how this guy has been saving his ass for sometimes now, I know better not to trust anyone. But that wouldn't stop me from voicing the obvious, that dude over there starring at me eat, is damn hot. I don't how he managed to catch me before I fell in class today, looking into his eyes made me forget all my misery. I am being so cheesy right now, but am telling you the truth believe me.

"His still starring at you Lena", Liam said beside me.

"I know" I replied. "its beginning to creep me out".

"Maybe you should go talk to him",he said.

"Have you lost your mind?" I asked, "what am I going to tell him?".

"Anything"  he said nonchalantly "just go talk to him".

"Are you sure you are OK?" I said touching his forehead to make sure his OK, because Liam is sounding stupid right mow. "You said this guy has helped you severally why don't you go talk to him yourself, maybe at least tell him thank you," I reminded him.

He looked at me like I have grown two heads, "I should go and talk to the hottest guy in this school?. So that all this girls that are eye raping him will kill me? Hell no!" he said.

I chuckled. "I just...." I was interrupted by Nina's grand entrance with one other hot guy, I rolled my eyes. Give it to Nina to always throw herself at guys, they walked towards the guy that was starring at me he tore his eyes away from us and looked up at the other guy, who was walking hand in hand with Nina. He frowned when he saw that, they sat down the other guy was  grinning like he just won jackpot.

Liam stood up, I looked at him, "Are you OK?" I asked, apparently the whole cafeteria was quite starring at the two hot guys and Nina, the screeching sound from Liam's chair as he stood up, made everyone turn to our table.

What the hell? I sprang up and chased after Liam that is heading over to Nina's table, when he got there he looked at Nina from head to toe, then at the guy holding Nina's hand. He opened his mouth to talk then he stopped, he turned to the other guy who was starring at me, "will you like to come join us over there?" He asked.

My eyes nearly left its socket, from how wide it is from shock of what just left Liam's mouth. OK were the hell is my friend, this isn't the Liam I ordered for. "I noticed you haven't had anything, maybe you can share from my food or hers", he continued. The guy seemed surprised because his eyes widened a little then he nodded.

"What are doing?" Nina said to me, "you think he would want to sit with a loser like you?" She said pointing at Liam

Liam's confidence dropped, "well I, I thought, umm, he was." Liam stammered.

  I sighed Liam didn't think this through before coming, everyone was now starring at us. I turned around grabbed Liam's hands and tug him towards our table, we sat down.

"I am sorry!" he said to me.

" its fine am sure the guy would have come over if Nina didn't interfere" I said looking at Liam sad face. "so relax." I heard gasping around the cafeteria, I looked up to see the guy making his way over to us. I wanted to disappear from his piercing gaze on me.
He sat down, and picked up a fry from my plate and popped it into his mouth, he moved his head side by side, as if he was trying to decide if the fry was tasty or not. He swallowed, he took another one, he did the same thing. Then he stopped and looked at me,

"what is your name?"  he asked.

"Lena", I answered.

"Oh, you are human right?" He asked. Is he crazy

" Of course I am". I said in a duh tone. "How about you?" I asked. "are you not human?" I asked playing along with his  crazy question.

"Nope" he said.

"Huh?" I replied. He didn't say anything i looked at Liam he doesn't seem shocked either. This two are playing with me, "yah you wish", I said to him. He was starring at me confused, he stole my fries again before he took Liam's half eaten bugger and start munching on it, he was still looking at me. "Can you stop starring at me? that's very rude." I said.

His eyes darted around my table then back to my face "No" he said with food flying out of his mouth.

"eww" Liam said, "dude swallow before you talk".

" Sorry" he apologized then he swallowed. I just shake my Head. Everyone has resumed what they were doing before aside Nina and her minions who are currently plotting me and Liam's demise. The other guy refuse to come over I think, he stayed with Nina. I overlooked them and ate my meal under the scrutinising eye of Razer....


"If I ever see you near Razer again or that stupid homo you call your friend near him, the both of you wouldn't like what you will see."

I just nodded for the effect Nina had in mind to play out for her. She looked me up and down and walk away, "you think he will like a worthless pathetic peace of shit like you?" She Asked when she was on the stairs that leads to her room. I nodded negatively. "Don't you ever talk to him again" she said before disappearing into her room, I just sighed. Liam will not stop putting me in trouble. I walked into the kitchen to have dinner.

when I heard the doorbell a smile found its way to my face. Liam's coming over. I ran to the door, "Liam baby you are early" I said opening the door to Razer's brother. I nearly shut the door in his face, then I remembered Nina will kill me, I stepped aside for him to walk in.

"Nina someone Is here for you", I shouted, I shut the door. I motioned him to go have a seat to wait for Nina. The doorbell Rang again, "who is it again am hungry" I whined out loud. I grudgingly opened the door.

"what? Someone is not happy to see me?", liam said walking inside.

"One, am hungry" I said, "two why the hell are you early?" I asked.

"Well I am early because my Darling brother was having a party he didn't open the door for me, and I am starving." that was when I noticed he was still carrying his school bag. Go to my room,

"I will get food" I said, he nodded.

"Thanks you are the best" he said going upstairs.
I looked up to see Nina coming down smiling up at an overly excited Razer's brother. I rolled my eyes at the two of them. I got food and walked upstairs to a visibly upset Liam.

"What's the problem" I asked him with concern.

" everything is" he yelled at my face, "anytime I see those two together my skin crawl, my blood boil. I hate to see them together".

"OK! wait a minute. Do you like the guy?" I asked confused.

"Huh?" He said.

"Yah because I don't know why you are so mad at them, yes I hate my stepsister so much. But seeing her with a guy doesn't eat me up like its doing to you right now, except you have feelings for the boy" I said.

"Huh? No, hell no, I just don't like your sis that's all", he said. I know he was hiding something, but I let it slide. He took his food off the table I kept it before I started my rambling. He shove them quickly in his mouth he was really starving...................................

We made jokes all through the night and retired to bed when the boy left, and Nina's parents came back. They were happy that Liam was sleeping over, they advised Nina on getting a good friend like Liam. Not the one's that only wants to get under her pants. She was so angry. I know she was going to get me back for making her parents come for her, but I was so prepared for her.

I went to bed nest to a sleeping Liam and succumbed to the hands of sleep.

( chapter 6 is over... Seems like parker is loosing a lot of his firsts to the wrong person, I hope you all are not hating Nina?. Lolz, I really don't like her too)

I am straight. You?

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