chapter 8 (William)

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Crying wasn't my thing trust me, no matter how much I am being hit, or yelled at I never cry. I cried when it all started, but getting used to it I began to stomach my pains.

But when parker looked me in the eye and told me he was gonna hit me without remorse, something loosed in my heart, I thought I got all my shits together. Just those words tore me apart, I am sick and tired of playing victim all the time. "I am going to get what I want from today henceforth, even if it cost me my life" I spat.

"Woh, calm down, what the hell is going to cost you your life now". Lena asked breaking our embrace.

"I am done crying over parker".

"Parker who?" She asked.

"Yah sorry, its the guys name," she looked clueless. "I mean the guy that just left, that I was crying over" I said.

"Oh. That's his name?" She asked.

I rolled my eye's, "you only cared to know about the other ones name am I correct?". I asked smirking

She blushed. "Hey its not my fault he kept starring at me", she said.

"Now here's my plan, I am going to turn parker gay" I said.

"Are you nuts", she asked.

"Maybe". I deadpanned, "I am not going to sit around and watch people toss me around. Is either I get parker to bully me and then get Kerman off my back because I can't stand him. One more rape from him, I swear to God I will poison myself and die."

"Hold on, stop, you mean he rapes you?" Lena asked eyes widening.

Opps busted. I just nodded.

"Hell no, that guy needs to be  arrested."

I scoffed "by whom?. There family is obviously rich, how did he escape expulsion when he put you coma?. I guess his parents has a dirt against yours, and they dropped the issue."

Her eyes widened, Lena is clueless sometimes.

"That makes sense" she said, "wow, because I remember how my dad promised that he must end up behind bars, then he came back one morning to tell me he has been suspended."

"OK stop making that face, you look horrible, remember we are the two losers of the whole world," I cheered to lighten her mood.

She smiled. "Yah!" she said frowning again. "So what is your stupid plan again?"

"Am sorry babe, you gat to be patient to see, I will pay parker back in front of the whole damn school," I said clasping my hands together like a maniac.

"You are crazy and creepy" she said.

"And you love me soo much" I said exaggerating the so for her to laugh.

"Yah remind me why again? You psychiatric patient,"  she said laughing.

I waited for parker at lunch, I was looking in between the entrance door and my food.

"Dude are you not gonna touch your meal?. Remember we didn't have breakfast you should be starving Liam." Lena said worried.

"Listen am nervous, I can't eat until I execute my plan."

"What plan?" she asked

"The parker plan" I reminded her.

"I don't know what you want to do Liam, but parker turning to your bully, is really bad, I mean have you met him, his soo huge." Lena said.

"Shut up" his here, I said cutting her off.
I shoot off my sit and approach him, my palm was sweating, fucking sweating if you ask me, just then I saw Kerman. My God is two weeks over already?. I nearly lost my confidence. Then Razer saw me, he nodded my way. I stopped dead in my track, I looked back at Lena she was looking at me too, at the corner of my eyes I saw Kerman smirk, and start approaching my way.
No no no I chanted in my head, I speed walk to were parker was standing.
He seem shocked that I was standing in his front,

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