chapter 23 (Lena)

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Razer don't seem to want to let me go this morning, I need to go home, I don't know how and what to tell Lena's parents, but I kept telling Razer I have told them they allowed me, I don't know what to tell them, I don't want this to bring problem between us I love this boy here way to much. If only he can let me out of his sight, just maybe I can go talk to my guidance.

Babe I need to go home I said, trying to pry myself out of his sleeping form.

Why?? He wined groggily.

I want to go see my parents.

No don't go we are going to leave anytime. He said pouting.

I rolled my eye's, we have been on this for a week now, come on I need to go talk to Nina's parents.

About what? He asked.

Well I need to go wish them goodbye.

Huh? I thought you have talked to them already.

No I haven't, I said tired of going on and on about this

What?? He screamed fully awake. You didn't talk to them, had it been we left what would you have done?.

I don't know what to tell them, I defended.

Are you being serious, you told me you told them everything that they are fine with it. What the hell!.

Am sorry I said looking at my hand, am kind of...

Save it. He said. He sprang up from the bed. You can go home now he said.

I looked at him.

tears was welling up in his eye's, he looked away from me.

Babe, am sorry, I am scared, I don't know what to say, what if they say no.

He just walked out, he walked out on me.

I sat down on the bed, I was exhausted about thinking about this, fighting with Razer is the worst option I hate it. I picked up my jacket and walked downstairs.

Babe I want toasted bread Liam said to parker.

Coming! Relax I will get it.parker replied from the kitchen

Liam looked up and saw me, Lena how... He stopped when he saw my face, he ran to me. Are you OK?

Yah! I said faking a smile, I just need to get home I said. I need to get something.

Razer walked past me, not acknowledging me at all.

Are you two fighting? Liam asked.

No of course not, I just want to get what I forgot.

He looked at me for some time.. OK, he said.

OK so I will go now, say hi to everyone for me if they wake up I said.....

Sure he said.


Lena I don't know what you are on about, you are not going any were, Mrs smith yelled.

Come on mom, she can go to hell for all I care, at least she will leave Razer for me.

Lena, what do you mean you want to go and leave on your own home, have I not been good to you? U are supposed to be planing on going off to college and you are talking of going to live on your own Mr smith said.

Am sorry sir, I just want this for my own good, at least am up to 18 I can decide on what I want to do with my life, don't worry I will definitely come visit sometimes. That's if Razer let's me out of his sight, I said to myself.

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