chapter 27 (Lena)

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This chapter has some straight sexual content, jump it if you don't read smut.

He pushed me into the bed, maybe this was a bad way to ask for sex.

Is he going to hurt me, I was scared never the less.
He kissed me, it wasn't that lovely kiss, it was harsh but I still savoured it, call me weird all you want.

He ripped my top off my body, could this be considered rape?. Yes but I consented of it.

"Am sorry!! Am really sorry" Razer said, he stood up.

I frowned. "Were are you going to?".

"To clear my head. I shouldn't have done this to you, I don't know what have gotten into me"he said, tears flowing down his face.

I got up and hugged him from behind, "Razer! You didn't do anything wrong, its late at night, don't go outside, let's go to bed OK?" I suggested

He looked at me, "you are not mad at me?" He asked.

I cleaned the tear stains in his face, "its OK, why will I be mad at you. Let's sleep ok?"

He nodded, he entered the bed smiling, we laid down. "You don't want to change your top?" He asked

"Nope! I might not need it later" I said.

"How?" He asked

"You will see," I said.


I felt a hand on my breast, I suck in a breath, the hand cupped my breast in d brassiere. I stirred the hand recoiled back, I rolled my eye's.

The hand came back again, this time I remained completely still. He kissed my neck, his hands screeped down to my torso, I couldn't hold the ticklishness I hard to stir again, he took his hands away. Oh come on, I turned around immediately facing him. He pretended to be fast asleep, I kissed his eyelids he opened them immediately.

He kissed me, in a second he was on me, he kissed my face, down to my neck, he kissed my mark I made a sound I never knew am capable of making, that made everything in me want this process to hasten up, he removed his mouth from there, I dragged his face to my lip kissing the hell out of it, I pulled on his shirt he offed it immediately, I know Razer is hot, but seeing him shirtless is something else, he undid his trousers and I removed my pajamas trousers and brasserie I was a bit shy because he was watching me.

"Men!! You are damn beautiful" he complemented before he resumed kissing me.

He opened his drawer for a pack of condom. "Why do you need a condom?" I asked?

"I don't know, for protection, want to be a mother now?" He asked smirking.

"Um. Is there any other thing we need to do aside getting married?" I asked?

"Nope, unless you wanna go to training, how to use super powers or read and write, or make some things I don't know."

"Then keep the condom" I said.

His eyes widened, "you want to have a baby?"

"Shut up already" I commanded blushing.

"Yes ma'am." He dropped the condom and kissed me, he removed his boxers he resumed kissing and biting my neck.

He separated my legs, I became scared, he licked my mark again I shivered, he was rubbing his dick on my clits I assume, the feeling made me squirm and make some sound you people consider as moaning.

Without warning he slides his dick into my pusi breaking my hymen for the first time, and he was fucking huge, I fisted the bedsheets and closed my eyes shut, the pain was unbearable.

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