(chapter 13) Razer

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I felt it that parker has almost killed someone so I dashed out of class with the teacher yelling my name, I ran into a panicking Liam.

I dashed past him and he followed suit, I rush down to the bathroom to come face to face with a parker that is almost blowing our cover. His eyes were practically on fire.

Parker is a fire Bender, you can call him fire. But right now I only want the fire off, because if Liam who is on his way here see this he might panic. So I tried my best and calmed him down.

I ran into the bathroom because I knew he would keep anyone that laid hands on his mate half dead or dead. I saw the guy, gasping for his last breathe. I quickly laid my hands on him, he became still yah I lost a lot of blood. But its what you do for friends, I still have 4months remaining to leave here, I don't want anything we would regret.

I left to go sit beside my oblivious mate, he doesn't know what has gone down with his best friend, and she's still yet to talk to me after the kiss, and I Razer Benjamin Zora. Isn't giving up on her.

I shifted my hands under the table and took her hands, she jumped up in fright,

"what the hell" she mouthed at me,

"miss Smith, have something you want to tell me?" The teacher asked her.

"No Sir, can I change my seat?" she asked

"No, why do you want to change your seat?" He asked.

"Sir Razer is disturbing me."

I looked up innocently at the teacher.

"Razer after leaving my class abruptly why did you come back to disturb my class?" he spat.

"Sir I wasn't disturbing her, I only asked her to date me that's all."

There was a lot of gasp in the class, I saw the horror in Nina's face Recently she has tried to get with me after parker dumped her. I looked at a tomato shade faced Lena. "Go out with me" I said again.

"Shut up" she said.

"Mr Zora. Stop disturbing my class," the man said smirking.

"Sir!. can she say yes at least."

I turned over to Lena. "please!!!!."

"Mr Zora to the principal office now, miss Smith, you can escort your boyfriend there too."

"His not my boyfriend" Lena yelled. Face red.

I took my book and left my seat, she moved out looking at me.

"what??". She asked irritated

"After you my lady" I said.

"You will get it", she said balling her fist in my face, glaring at me.

When we got outside, I took her hands and pull her away to the opposite direction, she was struggling with me. I grabbed her legs and threw her over my shoulder, for one she is very stubborn of a human, and that makes her fit to be my mate.

"Let me down this instant" she yelled over my shoulder, she hit my side, my back, with all her strength.

I wasn't budging, then she stopped fighting and reluctantly left her hands dangling on my back. "Are you dead?" I asked jokingly

"Yes" she said.

I laughed, "dead people don't talk" I said.

She giggled,

I liked it.

"Were are u taking me to?" She asked.

"To talk" I said. And stop starring at my arse.

"What should I be looking at I am upside down" she wined.

I dropped her when I got to the school roof.

"Sit" I commanded.

She rolled her eyes and sat down.

"I love you", I deadpanned. "I don't know were you got the idea that I was using you, but that's not my intention, and I can't use you even if I want to."

She opened her mouth to talk but I beat her to it.

"I want to show u something" I said. I looked at her, and concentrated. A gust of heavy wind start blowing her hair and face.

"Were was that from?" she asked. "Its windy out here". She said.

"Its me" I said.

"What do you  mean?" She asked not getting what I mean.

"I made the air." I said, "now watch". There was a pool of water gathering around in the school compound. I separated the water and formed a heart with the water.

"Stop," she said, "what??" Her eyes widened. "How did you do that. Do it again" she said.

"OK" I said. I used the water to write. I love you Lena.

Her jaw dropped open. "What the hell, how come? how did you? How??"

I caught her thousands questions off. "Am not human" I said.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"My name is Razer Benjamin Zora am from Zomba. Its in another realm. But it is still called earth. I came down here to learn more about human race. You can call me an alien." I finished.

"No, no this is a lot to process she said I have to go, Liam is in danger, he was going to meet your brother this morning. He might hurt him"  she said running away

I blocked the entrance door in a flash. "Am sorry I can't let you disturb them, But take it from me they are both fine."

"Take it from you?, you are a monster, how can I trust you." She said terribly shaken from the pranks am pulling.

It was like a slap to my face, he called me a monster. "I am not a monster" I whispered, I know she can't hear me. But I tried.

"Leave the way and let me go this instant" she said.

"No" I deadpanned, looking her dead in the eye.

She sighed,  "what do you want from me, I don't want to be here" she said panicking.

"First off am not gonna hurt you, second I want you to at least have a little feeling for me, am not asking you to love me back", I said with my voice breaking at the last part. I kept my head down. I hate this, she is making me miserable and pathetic right now, this is not good for my title.
"I know you have rejected me severally but am not gonna give up."

"Just leave me alone, I don't want you" she spat.

"Don't you get it?" I yelled as tears spilled down my cheek, "I can't function without you. Can't you see it?" I yelled again, "I am willing to wait till you accept me, but please don't push me away" I said. "You are my mate, you might not know what I mean but."...

"I know what mate is" she cuts me off. "I am just scared of you. You shouldn't have showed me this" she said.

"Don't be" I said, taking a step forward, she took two step back, the tears keeps streaming down my face on seeing her reaction. "Am sorry" I said leaving the way to let her go.

She looked at me, she ran to the door, opened it and left.

I sat on the floor, it hurts, it fucking hurts, I cried so much, it was as if someone was hitting my heart with a hammer. I couldn't breathe, I was having a panic attack, I need to breathe I chanted in my head, I looked around no one to help me, I tried mind linking parker it wasn't working. I fell backwards I was gasping for air, it didn't take long I succumbed to darkness.. I died.

(  its over, chapter 13 is over. Poor Razer is dead. Mr Zora has lost is son, the prince of Zomba is gone so soon. The character Lena is pissing me off right now.)

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