chapter five (Williams)

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I was shocked when this guy lifted me off the ground and took me to an empty class. But he started bleeding after my pain vanished, he left me there angrily. Yah no one really likes me, I cause pain to everybody, healing me is actually a waste of time. I just walked home straight.

Why are u home early? followed with a slap, from someone I call my brother was how I was welcomed home in my own home. I came from a quite home, ever since my parents died my peaceful home has become a war zone. I am always abused by my brother because I caused the death of my parents.

The day my mom caught me making out with Kerman (my bully) my mom ran out of my room into her car, my dad entered with her in other to find out what is wrong with her. She drove out without looking and she ran into our neighbours moving truck that was trying to reverse. My mom died instantly, my dad was in coma for six month they had to pull the plug because we couldn't afford it anymore.

In case you are wondering how my first love Kerman became my bully. Well after the show being my parents departure, he never showed up to my side ever since we were caught. And when he showed up, he demanded for sex when I said no, he forcefully took it. Now that's were the bullying kicked in, the other guys never knew why Kerman was beating me all the time, the clueless bastards always taught its just for fun. But when ever he dragged me into the toilet alone he always tries to make me get him off or forcefully make out with me. One of those days was when Lena walked in on us.

So my life is generally sweet right?. My Darling brother hits me at every chance he gets. He always see the bruise I incurred from school bullies, he doesn't care he leaves his in the places that weren't touched, today he was yelling at me from coming back early to interrupt him and his numerous girlfriends that he always brought home. I walk in eggshells in my own home, if I make noise I get hit. I was just starring at him, I have learnt not to show my emotions to my brother when being hit, if I cry he hits me more. So right now am just starring at him unfazed by the slap.

"Will you get out of sight? you pathetic excuse of a human being" he yelled at me. I quickly dashed into the house and ran to the kitchen took out a cereal and a bowl and ran to my room .

I sat Down and poured the cereal into the bowl I fetched water from my toilet sink and drank the cereal without milk. I couldn't risk going downstairs again, my body just came back brand new, I don't want to be bruised again.


Images of this other guy keep flashing through my mind, his eyes were so beautiful. 'Williams you need to calm down you thought that Kerman's eyes was beautiful too, now you can't even stand the sight of him'.
'This one is going to kill you with a punch if he turns to a bully'. I reminded myself, I just sighed, after all he watched me being dragged away by Kerman, he didn't even budge, he was busy drowning Nina's cleavage with his eye's. His friend shouldn't have come to my rescue, he rescued me the last time and never showed up in school for like a week. This week was so horrible, this bullies nearly killed me and Lena. I don't know why she's always jumping in to help me, but her parents have reported our issue to the principal, he suspended Kerman and his cohort for two weeks. At least we are free. He healed me again, I don't know why he kept doing that, he ends up bleeding through the nose. I wish I could take him to go heal Lena too. She was in the hospital after d last beating Kerman gave her. He tried to beat me today but Razer stopped them I don't know how he does that, they just stand there doing nothing whenever he comes to my rescue.
The question is who is that guy really?. I have searched the internet for his name, people rumor his name is Razer. I couldn't find anything related to Razer on the internet. Is he a witch or a sorcerer or he has super powers. Maybe his Superman. I burst out laughing.

"Keep it down you fag, if I get up there, I am going to make you choke on my dick", my brother yelled.

I rolled my eyes, "you wish. You don't know how many times dicks had been forcefully shoved down my throat I never choked" I said to him quietly.

I sighed, Lena will be in school tomorrow "I can't wait to see my friend again" I said retiring to bed. I sighed into my pillow and dozed off.................

"Have you seen Nina? she was supposed to meet me here". someone said behind me.

I turned around to come face to face to the guy I don't want to ever see again, he was so handsome. His hair covered part of his face, it was blocking those beautiful eye's, he was towering above me at 6foot plus, and I am just a normal short ugly 5.5. My heart dropped at that thought he was even asking me of a girl and am here admiring him. Something in me flipped.

"have you checked the boys bathroom? she must be there playing tonsil hockey with another guy" I said angrily shutting my locker so hard.

His eyes widened he was shocked at my outburst. I wouldn't lie I am too, he raised his hands I flinched away. I should HV known better his going to hit me, the hand never came I dropped my hands that I used in blocking my face from the hit, to see Razer glaring at his raised hand's. He dropped his hands and stormed off.

Razer looked at me, "his sorry OK? He doesn't know what he is doing"

I just nodded, I don't know what he means but anything to dodge being hit am fine by that. He pats my head "bye" he said and walks away, I stood there looking at his retreating form.

Just then Lena walked in, "my favorite person!" she called throwing her hands open, I walked into her arms we embraced for so long.

For a thing Lena smells good. I even tried inhaling her scent. "Stop that you Weirdo" she said breaking the embrace laughing.

" I can't" I said trying to hug her again and she was running around trying to avoid me. I chased her until we entered the class she tripped just when I thought she was going to fall, she fell into Razers arm.

OK that was quick and cool, I said to myself. He raised her up they were starring at each other for so long if I may add. I cleared my throat and pointed to Razers nose, he set Lena on her feet and ran off.

I laughed at Lena who looks like she just got out of trance. "you have something to tell me later" I said to lena and walked to my seat. She rolled her eye's and sat beside me. "Am so happy Kerman and co are suspended" I said.

"Me too" The students starts flooding into the class, and soon class started.

(Chapter five is done. Such a pity our poor Williams is being raised by a bully called brother) chapter six in a bit.

I am claustrophobic. You?

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