chapter 10 (Razer)

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"Can you be my girlfriend?" I blurted out. Wrong move, wrong move I kept chanting in my head while starring at Lena in class this morning.

"Are you OK? Do you need help?" she asked.

"What??" I was confused.

"Did they ask you to come ask me out to see how stupid I am?" She spat.

"No, who the hell is they" I said feeling offended.

She looked me up and down and laughed. "You really thought you will succeed didn't you?. You think we are in a movie, were hot guys are asked to date ugly girls as a bet? Dude come on no one falls for that again"  she said. Walking away.

"Lena stop please, it's not what you think, I genuinely love you, I mean even if I don't want to love you, I still can't, I love you so much".

She burst out laughing, she fucking starts laughing. I was offended. "Dude, you didn't learn your lines well did you. Who loves this early, this is so cliché and predictable. Come on, stop it already I know were you are coming from" she said. And continued walking.

She doesn't seem to get me. "Lena please stop playing with this, am serious" I said grabbing her hands, I hissed as the sparks shoots up my whole body.

She snatched her hands away. "Stay the hell away from me" she said.  "I don't like this" she warned, "I don't think I ever will. Don't come close to me OK?"

Yah that's it, she rejected me. I stood there while she walked away. Tears escaped my eye's, I couldn't say a word. "Damn you, you fucking mate maker. Why didn't you give me my kind, why do we have to suffer" I cursed.

I remembered parker suffering this morning, it was obviously because someone was going down his mate panties. Now I was fucking rejected. The pain hurt so bad I need to find Parker, I walked up the stairs were I know he is I met Lena half way, I pulled my hoodie over my head, I can't risk her seeing my face like this. I walked ahead of her and wiped my tears quickly I opened the door to meet a crying Parker.

"I hate you so much",  Liam said.

Hold on, what?. This isn't what I expected, he looked broken. Lena slapped Parker. Yah that doesn't hurt, I know.

Parker scoffed. He scoffed at my mate, I don't know when I glared at him. Did I say my mate? she rejected me.

I opened my arms for an obviously pained parker to hug it out.

When he told me he has feelings for Liam, I was ready to return his memories, and first emotions of Liam. He stopped me again by saying he doesn't want a boy. I tried to talk it out with him, but he became defensive and asked me to leave him alone.
I left feeling angry and ready to punch someone or something.

I walked over close to the wrecked classes and stopped, someone came out from behind me

"Well, well, well, if it isn't one of our famous boys in school" the guy spat.

I smirked, something to punch just came out, Christ this guy will never cross my front again, I said to my self.
I turned around, "what do you want?" I asked.

"just to warn you to stay away from my girlfriend" he said smirking.

"Hold on, who is your girlfriend?" I asked? Picking interest

"When am done with you, you will know," he threw a punch at my face, it landed . I stood there unfazed.

"Wait is Lena your girlfriend?" I asked, seriously worried about my mate. I saw the shock in his eyes that I wasn't in pain. He punched me again. I caught his fist.

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