chapter 24( Razer)

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I don't care how or what (Will) as Lena calls him saw in that bastard Kerman, I wish them well though.
They just left our home right now, am getting frustrated honestly.

Something is surely wrong at home, if not, how could dad forget we are supposed to come back home. Huh?

Am supposed to be asking you that parker said, its almost one month, ever since.

Listen I don't care any more, let's combine force and breach the postal and go home, I said to him.

He laughed, you claim you know everything, don't you know you are capable of sending us home he said.

I was shocked, how? I asked.

The postal is only operated by the lord right, I am sure you have a lord blood. And your blood must have been registered in case of emergencies.

I have never visited the portal office but I will send a signal now... Step back...

You can't do that here he said... It might be dangerous to our mates or your uncle.

That man, I don't care he will raise his self from the dead, we are we supposed to go.

I know a place, parker said, race you there, he ran off.

Were are you going to I heard as I was going to take off..

I turned, Lena! Ummmm, we are going for a run.

Huh? Razer, you went for a run this morning she said.

Yah, we just had a lot of energy this evening we will get back soon I said... Love you!! I didn't wait to listen to her whine...


Our signal was sent its been three days nothing, has happened..
Lena went home yesterday and...

Have you seen William, parker interrupted my thought.

Huh? I thought his with you.. I said honestly.

That son of a bitch, if he went home I swear am going to hit him, I slept off and he crawled out of my arms parker said boiling with rage.

What are you waiting for let's go to his house now.. I said

As we were about to head out, a bright light appeared in our face...

Shit! The portal has been sent.. After all this weeks.. The light was blinding.

Parker was panicking, what do we do? He asked.

This is what will happen, I will keep the portal open by stepping in the threshold while you go get our mates OK?

OK he said, and ran off..

I was there, for 20 minutes the portal started blinking, it was about to close, I know a portal doesn't last more than 25minutes my uncle was trying his best also to hold on to it, in order to extend the time..

What is keeping them? He asked..

I am fucking about to loose my cool, maybe Lena doesn't want to leave any more, it must be it, she doesn't want to leave, I let the tears I have been holding drop when I saw William and a furious parker approach without Lena...

Throw in the last bag they are gonna be here my uncle yelled at His wife, he did as commanded.

Am sorry he announced, he blind folded William because of the light.

Were is she I asked tearing up the more.

Who?he asked amidst the hurry.

Lena! God dammit. I said

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