chapter 14 (Lena)

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As I ran out of there I kept asking myself, were am I running to?.
all my life I have been running away from situations instead of facing it. I have feelings for this guy too, is it because he did all those things that made me run?.
I really am a Coward, I stopped on my track, I decided to go back, at least he should give me some time to think about it. I turn and head back upstairs, I opened the door to see him sprawled out on the ground.

"Hey." I said, staying as far as possible.
He didn't move.
"Razer"! I called, nothing.
"Come on, are you going to keep me quite, its not my fault OK, I was scared" I said.
No reaction from him.
"Come on, OK am sorry I called you a freak, That was bad of me.
Razer?" I called, looking at him closely, he wasn't moving at all.
I went close to his side, "Razer!.
Hey!come on", I said bending over to block his face from the sun.
"Am sorry, say something", I said. He didn't budge.
I became scared, I shook him, "Razer!" He didn't move.
I panicked, I was shaking him fervently.
I was screaming for help, no one was here to help.
911 I echoed to myself, I picked up my phone, I dropped it, no his not human, I will expose him.
His brother, parker!! Oh my God parker.
I fished his phone out from his pocket, he has the old model android?.
Not now Lena, concentrate, I reprimanded myself.

I dialed his number, it rang.

"What??" He asked irritated.

"Parker!? Hurry the roof," I yelled, "Razer is dead".

He hissed, the line went dead. In a second the door flew open.

"Space out, move to the end of the wall" he said.

I nodded I ran to the edge of the wall, he touched him.

"I think you should close your eyes, his not dead, his having a panic attack".

"What?? That's not a panic attack? I know how a panic attacked patient looks like" I argued stubbornly.

He rolled his eyes, "this is how we are, when we are attacked". he said.

"Oh" I said in understanding.

The entrance door opened again and in came William.

"What the hell! I will die if I run like this again" he said bending over to catch his breathe.

I dragged him to my side.

"What happened?" he whispered.

"I think Razer is dead."

"What??" He asked running over to them. Just in time for parkers whole body to erupt on fire.

My mouth flew open, as William backed away from him.

He engulfed Razer in the fire, it seems they were levitating. Then they drop down. The fire was coming off slowly

I heard a camera shutter, my head flew to the door, to see a smirking Nina with her phone in her hand, video recording everything.

Parker fell down, he laid facing the sky, when the fire died down, blood was pulling out of his nose, William rushed to his side.

"Are you OK?" he asked wiping his bloody nose.

"Am fine" he said sitting up. "After effect." He mumbled.

OK hold on, a lot of things is out of place, why isn't Liam scared of him.

Razer coughed, I held my breathe, he opened his eye's, he looked at himself he was covered in black dust. He gasped And looked over to parker.

"What??" parker said, "that's all I got".

"You decided to burn me?" Razer asked seeming angry.

"Yes, in fact you should thank me" he said frowning.

"No thanks," Razer said wiping his body off

"Well, well, well, freaks, care to explain this?" Nina said waving her phone.

Liam almost had a heart attack, "Jesus Christ, were did you come out from?" He asked frowning.

I never knew he didn't see her earlier.

"Shut up fag," Nina barked, "I wasn't talking to you"

Razer looked up at me and frowned.

I looked at my feet, "am sorry" I muttered he might not even hear me.

"For what exactly?" he asked.

I looked at him and he looked away.

"Over here losers, you don't want me leaking your secrets right?." Nina said desperate for attention.

"What secret?", parker asked.

"Your video is in this phone, and if you take one step close to me I will press send and everyone in the school will know your secrets."

"OK! This kind of a blackmail?" Razer asked.

"Yah?" she said. "Parker comes back to date me, I will keep your secret, if he hurt me in anyway I will leak your secrets." She muttered smirking.

Razer burst out laughing, he laughed so hard, I even became confused.

"Were do you think we are in a movie? or is this a wattpad story?
were you will threaten the gifted ones with there secret, and boom they will start doing your bidding.
Bitch please, in a second you will forget what you came up here to do in the first place, I can even make you forget you ever met us if I like.
I can even fry your brain completely in the sense you can't find your way home.
Do not get on my nerve, and please do not take this words as a threat." He said walking over to Nina.

"Now listen this is a threat, I will make you stop breathing in an instant, and no damn body can find out what happened to you, because I will eat your body my self." He said smiling. That's creepy.

Before Razer could finish his statement he was standing close up to a terribly afraid Nina .

He took her phone out from her hand, and deleted the video. He placed his hand under her chin lifting her face up. "You are pretty, very pretty if I may add, why don't you look for who will love you, than whore-ing your self around" he said dropping her chin, he kissed her forehead and walked away.

Something starred in my heart, that couldn't be jealousy right.?

Parker stood up, he reached for Liam's hand, Liam hits it away. He looked at him and smirked, he walked away with Liam following behind him, all of them leaving the roof.

I saw tears stream down Nina's face, I felt a pang on my chest. Wow, hold on, did I just feel pity for her, no this is not good.

I ran out of there to class. I didn't see any of them in our geography class, not even Liam.
Is he mad at me? I don't know why, but I feel guilty for what happened to him.
I don't know what I will do. If they hate me for this.

(Yaaaaaaahhh. Before you bury me alive, your boy is not dead, that was a cliffhanger. Lol. Do you think Nina will leave them alone now?)

What is your most embarrassing moment. Lolz

Mine was the day I fell into the gutter in front of my crush.

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