chapter 22 parker

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I don't know how or when William snuck out of the house and went home, we had plans why don't he listen to me, humans are just... ahhh.. I released the built up tension in my head.

Am so sorry... I don't know how.

Just shut it William.. I interrupted his apology.

He flinched, he looked up at me with tears stained face.. It will never happen again, he said.

Don't give me fake promises, it will definitely happen. That son of a bitch locked you up after you fainted, now that his behind bars you fucking went to tell them that what you said earlier was all lies, huh?. You know what ya all have psychopathic bloods in you. I screamed.

Don't say that, he said quietly.

I knew he was been hurt by my words, but am going to say whatever pleases me right now, because he fucking stepped on my nerve's. Do you know what you are not fucking leaving my sight until i leave this realm. Understood?

He nodded.

Use your words God dammit, I screamed at him.

Yes; yes! He said nodding his head all together.

Good, are you hungry? I asked.

He shakes his head negative.

You are going to eat, whether you like it or not, got it?

He looked at my face, when he saw I was serious.

OK! He replied.

Great, now let me go get food in the kitchen, I think Lena is around, want to see her I asked?

No he said.

Why I asked, as I watch him wipe his tears.

Nothing he said starring at his hands.

You have never rejected wanting to see Lena, I sighed

He was still starring at his hands, he was trying to hold in the sob that wants to escape his mouth.

Hey! I said walking back to him, he looked pitiful, that broke my heart. Am sorry I yelled at you I said.

Wrong move, very wrong move.. He broke out in a complete hysterical fit of sobs.

I sat down beside him. Am very sorry, I shouldn't HV yelled at you.

He stood up.. Thought he was gonna walk away, he walked to my front, I was starring at him. He hugged me, very tight if i may add, I held him in place rubbing his back.

He stopped crying, he just hugged me like that, I love you! He said.

You know I do too, I said. So forgiving me? I asked

Nope he said, on one condition he said.

I frowned, what condition? I asked

Fuck me! He dragged out slowly.. Smirking.

I choked on nothing, I coughed twice.

He laughed so loud.

I like u more when you are crying, I said. That wiped the smile out of his face.

Prick he cursed

I am going to go get food, come see Lena, and I am going with you to sit with her OK?

He raised his brow! Are you going to the toilet with me too?

If need be, yes! So that you don't fucking disappear. I said

He rolled his eyes, am not going any were Anymore. They will release my brother tomorrow, we leave the nest so count your self lucky he said.

While he was talking I was only watching his expression, he William, is really a beautiful boy, his plump lips, chubby chicks, dimples, fine set of teeth's with a lot of gaps to count, ocean blue eyes. I really am lucky.
Yah! Am lucky I said.

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