chapter 20 (parker)

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I am tired of listening to everyone throw it at my face that my mate was a whore.

He fucking wants me to sleep with him in an empty classroom, I ran out of there.

But then Razer reminded me of how my mate isn't as new as his. I got really mad.

I helped him heal his mate, because he helped me with mine, its just a win win, aside that, I think I am getting fed up with Razer.
Sometime ago he killed my mate, I don't know how I managed to forgive him, but am not gonna forgive him for slut shaming my mate.

Hey! Breakfast is ready, Razer announced.

I am not hungry,

He sighed, am sorry, I have apologized severally can't you forgive me, he asked.

No! I deadpanned.

Why come on, please stop already, I didn't kill your cat? He yelled.

I stood up, moved to his face, looking him dead in the eye. You killed something, and that's my respect for you, I bumped his shoulders while walking out.

He stood there transfixed, I wasn't lying though, I have had enough, to hell with being his second in command. This wasn't the Razer I loved and adore so much, this Razer am seeing isn't worth it.

I walked straight to school without breakfast, this is the last day of the exams, its been a whole week before the incident, William walks pass me everyday in the school hall, laughs with Kerman almost all the time, I saw some bruises on his body recently. I know someone has hit him, but he isn't even talking to me, his currently laughing with Lena.
I just walk past them, I walked into a class that is filled with people, they were bullying a boy?

Hey stop! Stop it right now I yelled.

Or what? The ring leader asked.

I rushed him, held him by the neck and flung him to the wall, worthless humans.

Everyone gasped

Any other person? I asked starring at the rest of the gang.

They were scared, they all ran away.

I moved to the smaller boy, Hi! I said, my name is parker, let me take you out of here ok.

He looked at me and nodded.

Can you stand? I asked, take it from me, this boy was battered by this hoodlums.

No he whispered.

Ok I will carry you I said, I picked him up, he moaned at the pain I caused by moving him, he was so light, as light as William. I sighed, am sorry ok, you will be fine I said.

I watched as tears flowed down his eye's, this boy doesn't deserve this pain. Shit! Razer! Come on! just when I don't want to talk to him.

This will be over soon ok, I announced carrying him into the hallways, I felt eyes on me.

I turned to my right to see William glaring at me.

Great, now I have your attention I said to myself. Razer! Computer room now! I mind linked him.

I sat the poor boy on the seat in there, relax help is on the way ok?.

He nodded wiping his ever flowing tears, am sorry he said, at my stained shirt.

Yah no problem I confirmed, I pushed his hair off his battered face he hissed at the pain.

Sorry I said, the entrance door opened.

Yes? Razer asked.

I need you help, I said.

With what. He asked nonchalantly.

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