chapter 21 (Lena)

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I thought I was going to die, I was cold, I was suffocating on ice, Razer didn't give me warning only because I asked him if he was seeing someone else.
But I love the idea of being marked, I wanted it so much, the process of getting it was horrific.

Exams are over, we are preparing for our graduation party, this is the time Razer and parker leave's, I don't know why Liam isn't getting worried about this.

I sighed again for the 5th time.

Hey if anything is bothering you please tell me ok, Razer said worry evident in his word's.

I nodded, currently am lying in his arms, in my room. Since after the incident of picture in our school Nina hasn't talked to me nor try to come close to me, but I know she's up to something.

My phone rang. I picked up.


Lena! Help Damien.. There was struggling and noises, I couldn't hear what he was saying then the line went dead.

Your heartbeat isn't normal. What happened.

Liam went home, he needs help.

I swear to you, once I get there I am beating the day light out of that bastard.
Take your car, I will run Razer yelled.

We met Damian shutting the front door.

Ummm, am here to see Liam I said.

You slut have I not warn you never to come here? Damian yelled.

He raised his hands to hit me, I covered my face the hit never came. I heard yelp of pain.

Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on my mate Razer said while twisting Damien's wrist...

My eyes flew at the front door that carved in. Parker! I yelled. I ran to him, we made it into the house we saw a lifeless William lying in the pool of his own blood.

Parker picked him up into his arms. Tears escaped his eye's, why do you always do this to me he asked an unconscious Liam. Baby not again, he Lament's. He turned to me, pls get Razer His shutting me out.

I ran back outside Razer! I screamed.
He was beating Damien half dead. Stop! Stop! Razer, you will kill him I yelled, his body has turned ice, you can literally see ice as his skin.
When his not giving in I held his elbow, he hissed. His motion stopped instantly, he turned to me, his eyes was ice cold. Stop! I tried again. His face softened, in few seconds his body color came back to normal.

Am sorry he whispered.

I turned to look at Damien he was coughing out blood, breathing out cold air.

Liam and parker needs you, I said to Razer.

He rushed into the room.

I looked at Damien, I stretched out my hands to help him up.

He glared at me.

I heard police siren, police cars drove into the compound, they picked up Damien. Cover him with a coat, when Razer came out from the door on hearing the siren too, he was flung to the ground.

Keep your hands or your head or I will shoot was yelled at parker who was also coming out from the room.

What the hell? Parker asked, why the hell should I raise my hands, its that demon over there you should around he said pointing at a Damian that was already rushed into the ambulance.

He made to move to Razer who was handcuffed.

If you take one step, I will shoot you. The police man yelled again.

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