chapter 19 (Razer)

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"I hate this, I don't understand" I yelled from my uncles basement.

Parker hissed, "I am trying to sleep you son of a bitch" he yelled.

I rolled my eye's, "I can't believe you are even able to sleep, don't you even miss him?"

His eyes shut open, "you don't know how much, I am suffering more than you are, I marked him you idiot, if I can set my eyes on him right now I might.."

"Jump him?" I suggested wiggling my brows.

"Shut up!", he said blushing, "maybe, I don't know, I am not happy he wasn't mine from the beginning."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"He has been defiled severally, I don't like it, and his also a kid."

I rolled my eye's, "come on dude! you are over 200 and complaining of a defiled mate?, you know earth people doesn't value sex, they have it with whom ever is available, take Nina for example, because of you, that's why we are here now."

He frowned, "I hate it so much that it was that son of a bitch who defiled him, the day I will get to sleep with him, I will fuck him until he forgets about how his touch felt like."

I smirked, "now that's the spirit, forget about the fact that someone had touched him before, make him forget the touches that's all."

He nodded, "well by tomorrow we are going back to school their trail time is over, uncle said they passed right?"

"Yah?". Well you might be wondering what we are doing in the basement.
That stupid uncle of mine said we are going to stay there and let our mates handle this issue and see if they can do anything for us.

When I got home that Friday and showed my uncle that pix, he laughed, he said this isnt an evidence at all, he said he was going to seize it as an opportunity to see if our mate can fight for us at all, I have fought against the idea, but on a second thought, I knew it was a good thing to do. After all its just for a week I succumbed to his decision, if I had it will be this difficult I wouldn't have agreed.

My uncle never tidied the lawn nor outside, him and his wife made sure the whole place looks deserted to be able to make them believe we were in a hiding. I smelled Lena around 4 days ago, and today also.
Parker said she was with Williams, I wanted out, but my uncle held me down. I can't wait for tomorrow morning to go back to school.

We hurried into school as if we are being chased, the way my uncle explained that Lena and William used in saving our ass was funny, but it made me love her more if that's even possible.

They are no were in sight, let me check parker said closing his eye's.

Yah I can't rest, he marked his mate and so what, he flaunts it all the time, now his using the mark bond to locate William.

They are in trouble, if anyone lays hand on him, I am tearing them apart he said, fire lighting up on his fingers.

I froze his palms immediately, calm the hell down you piece of shit.

Stop, it hurts he yelled.

Sorry, sorry, I said unfreezing his palms.

He eyed me with tears forming in his eye's.

"Way to be my second in command, little thing you want to cry" I said, wiping the tears that dropped of his face.

"Fags!" a guy cursed passing us.

I smirked at him, "are you jealous?" I asked.

Ewww, gross, I don't take it up my ass.

Well I don't think any of us does, I said smirking.

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