chapter 25 (William)

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This chapter has some serious sexual content if you know you are capable of reading smut go ahead, but if you are not, I advice you jump the chapter..

I knew everything happening at our arrival was the tip of an iceberg of what am going to face with Parker. I hated the worst outcome of my stubbornness.
I sat eating with his people laughing and making merry, I met parkers older brother Desery and his mate, she was beautiful. They are all giants. His father doesn't seem to like I am a boy soo much, his mother want to eats me up in a good way. The sister is already planing our wedding. I was shocked to realise that Razer was a Prince, or Lords son as they call it.
He is in for some explanation, I see Lena glaring at him, when people his age was calling him my lord up and down.
Each time parker speak I swallow the tension in my throat. I wish he could just hit me and get this over with.

Liam are you OK? Lena asked from beside me on the table.

I shook my head negatively.

wanna talk she asked.

I nodded, I knew parkers eyes were on me. He knew I wasn't fine, he knew me too much.

Umm, please we need to go change into comfortable outfits its night already, Lena announced.

Sure!! Razers mom announced, we will be waiting.

I followed her up the stairs to Razers chambers like they call it, the house was made of glass if I may add. I broke the tears I was holding since

What happened, Liam! Lena asked hugging me. Are you not comfortable here?

My sob couldn't let me speak.

Wanna go back? She asked almost in tears too. Am sorry, she cooed.

I cried to my satisfaction, when I was done I wiped my tears.

Don't worry if you wanna go home, am sure Parker will send you home OK?. I can come with you if you want. She said.

Not that, I said quietly. I was nearly raped today?.

What?? When?? How? Were was I then?

Its not here in Zomba, its back on earth I said.

How come? You were with Parker all through.. She drew in a surprising breathe, did parker try anything against your wish.?..

No, Jesus Christ no, stop thinking for once, you are bringing silly things up. Well I went home.

What?? Have you gone mad, let me guess you snuck out? She asked

Yes, I answered looking at my hand's, I went to go see my brother, he has been calling me to come, so I got there he wasn't in.. So I opened the door because it wasn't locked. I got in to see everywhere clean, so I went to my brothers room only to see his friend there, I greeted him and asked of Damien, he said he wasn't in yet, he said he asked him to give me something that its in the basement, I followed him down there, when I got in, he locked the door behind us, that was when I knew it was a trap.
He tied me up, I screamed for help he shoved his dick into my mouth, he hit my head severally as I tried biting him. I begged him to stop, he never listened. He said my brother used me to borrow
money from him that he can do anything he wants with him...

What!?? He did what? Lena yelled

When I sucked him off, he started ripping my clothes off my body, that was when the door came crashing in. I knew instantly it was parker. He came down heavily on the guy, kicking him everywhere, then he did something with fire on the Guy's face. He pulled me to my room, and changed my torn clothes. We left in a hurry ever since then he haven't said a word to me I said.. Lena I am scared, he didn't want to kiss me, when they released us, when I held him then that he was on fire, he took his hands away. What if he hates me? What if he doesn't want me anymore? I asked resuming crying.

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