chapter four (Parker)

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Honestly, I don't think earth is that bad. I just love it.
My dear Razer is no were to be found(note the sarcasm) he has been over reacting since we got here, I Have no doubt he must have gone home.

I am in the school parking lot checking out the human girls, I won't lie they are damn hot. One is walking up to me, parker act cool I internally warned my self, I placed my hand on this weird thing they call car. She came close.

"hi"she said.

"Hii" I replied in a high pitched voice, I quickly cleared my throat.

"Hi"I said more clearly this time.

"I am Nina" she said swirling her hair in her fingers.

Oh my God! she's flirting with me? I chuckled. "I am parker" I said extending my hand to give her a hand shake.

she looked at my hand, came close and gave me a kiss on the cheek, I blushed. Yah this is all too much to process, for one, I have never been kissed any were in my body, you know since I don't have a mate no one to kiss me.

"Can I have your number?" she asked?

"Number?, um...," I was terribly trying to remember what she meant by number, I HV heard that before.

"Don't worry I will give you mine", she said cutting my internal panic off. she brought out a pen, she took my hands she was scribbling numbers on them.

this sweet smell hits me. I turned around to see a girl standing at my front.

"Excuse me this is my car" she said,

"oh" I said and scouted away from it. She got into it and a smaller boy with her entered the passengers seat. I took my hands from a very angry Nina and knocked on the girls window, I am willing to find out why this girl smell this good.
She rolled down her glass with an angry scowl on her face, did I offend her I asked myself.

"What?" She asked irritated.

"um I was wondering if you could drop me, that's if you are going my way." I said quietly.

" Listen" she said harshly, "I don't know what she sent you to do but am not falling for it" she said looking at Nina.

OK something is off here, what is she talking about. I looked at the boy beside her who has been looking at his feet since, he turned his head a little and looked at me. Stop right there, what? Hell no I internally screamed. I backed off from the car, I turned and speed walk away from them.

When I got to the busy lane, I took off, I ran, I ran like my life depended on it, right now it actually does. I want out, I need to go back to Zomba...


"I want to go home" I screamed with tears streaming down my face.

Razer embraced me, "parker calm down, Tell me what happened".

I couldn't speak, "Razer please take me home" I pleaded with him after much prodding.

He sighed and held me tighter, "am sorry" he said. I cried into his shoulders, I cried until I succumbed to the hands of sleep.

"Wake up, wake up, we have five minutes to get to school" Razer said shaking me awake.

" Am not going", I deadpanned.

"Parker you are going to that hell house, you are the one singing about how fun it could be, you HV to be there. Now so to say, uncle has reported me to father that I didn't stay long in school yesterday, trust me he was so mad. I can picture fire coming out of his head right now." Razer yelled.

" Please Razer don't make me go" I pleaded with him. Razer is my best friend, infact we are like brothers, he can never go any were without me. "OK" he said,

"ok?" I asked hopefully. He just stringed himself out of his shirt and landed on the bed beside me.

"if you are not going, then am not going" he said. "Now come here I want to sleep." I knew this is how its gonna end, I knew I haven't told him what happened to me, but am guessing he has an idea. I don't want to go to that place ever again. I laid down beside him and smiled up to myself...................

"I i, i saw, I met, I saw him," I managed to say. I couldn't bring myself to tell Razer why I was avoiding school all this while was because of him.
"I wanted a girl" I burst out crying again. "I don't want him, I don't want him" I said.

"Shhhhhh" Razer said trying to calm me down from my crying rant. Yes call me whatever you want I am a big soft baby when it comes to my emotions I cry all the time OK, keep judging me. "I don't want him Razer, I dont" I cried.

" OK" Razer said with all seriousness, Am going to take your sense of emotions right now, when ever you are ready I give it back OK"? He asked

" OK" I said wiping my tears, he placed his hands on my heart and I was as good at new. I will be right back he said rushing away from me. I stood up from the seat am seating took my bag and headed to the door forgetting everything that happened. "Razer am downstairs, race you to school". I yelled.

" Hey that's not fair" I heard him scream, then I took off, his faster than me by all means, he will catch up. I ran as fast as I could, something hit my back and I toppled over. I hissed when I felt a sharp pain on my knee's, it disappeared as quick as it came. I glared daggers at Razer.

He smiled "that's what you get for wanting to win".

"Dude you are way faster than I am, you and your stupid lord blood" I said dusting my self off.

"Call my blood stupid again, and I will give it to you to drink", he threatened

"eww that's gross" I said walking away from him. We entered the school compound. We headed straight to class, I bumped into someone.

"hey there," she said.

"Hi, Nina right?" I asked.

"yah! you never called",she said.

"yah the number wiped of my hand's before I could get home". I wasn't lying though my tears wiped it off.

"Yah? wanna ditch first period? You know so we can have fun?".

"Totally!" I said looking at her exposed cleavage. Some boys bumped my shoulder while dragging a boy away, wait a boy,? that boy looks familiar, I mean is he supposed to be someone,?. I internally asked myself, before I could process it Nina was already dragging me away. I saw Razer hiss, and walked towards the direction the guys followed.


Kissing Nina was soo much fun but it doesn't feel right at all, something was missing. Maybe its because she was my first kiss, for like my 250yrs in existence. I hated that it didn't feel right because I really like Nina. Maybe its cause she's not from Zomba. But I will get use to it.

"Let's date each other" she said to me as soon as we broke the kiss.

I smiled wide. "OK" I agreed.

She hugged me, we kissed again. Soon we were on our way to second period.

(Who else is angry that Nina stole Parker's first kiss?// cox I am fucking pissed right now) here's chapter four. Chapter five in a bit, hang on

my favourite colour is blue. You?

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