chapter seven (parker)

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I never made a mistake when I told you I was enjoying earth. But it seems some part of me is missing, anytime I see that scrawny looking boy I seem to loose it. He is messing with me, I like Nina.

I know I shouldn't be fooling around with someone who ain't my mate, but I don't care. Till d mate comes am gonna stick with Nina, by the way she's human, by nest year I would be on my way back to Zomba, and our shit will be over.

"Stop spacing out when am talking to you," Razer snapped.

"Am sorry baby" I said smiling, "I was thinking about something."

"Dont you ever baby me again, What the hell are you thinking about this is important, I have found my mate." He yelled.

My eyes nearly pop out of its socket, "what?? No way. Do I know her? Is she human?".

"Slow down" he said, "one question at a time. Yah she's human, and yes you know her."

He was starring at me intensively, "no, hold on, don't tell me its Nina."

"What?? No, eww, that bitch, God forbid." He said frowning

"Hey" I said offended, "that's my girlfriend."

He rolled his eye's, "there is no such thing as girlfriend in Zomba you know that. The earlier you leave that girl alone the better for you." He said.

I was angry he was telling me what to do, but I will let it slide. "Who is your mate.?" I asked

"Well about that" he said smiling, "she's Nina's sister."

"Nooooo!", I dramatically yelled, "she isn't even hot". She's small I said.

"Hey! watch it", he warned. Frowning

Gotcha, you thought its only you that can call out someone's girlfriend, I internally celebrated.

"You know I can hear you right?" he said.

Shit, totally forgot.

"This girl ain't my girlfriend OK, she's my mate, and your future Queen. You will respect her OK." He said with a stern look.

"OK, OK, come on, someone said earthlings were pathetic, but now they are smiling and throwing warning around because of them". I mocked.

"Shut up!" he said jokingly. "And another thing, parker?"


"Please you see that other guy that stays with my mate, do not raise your hands or your finger on him, else you will regret it".

"What??" I asked shocked. "Are you threatening me now?" Razer has never threatened me before.

"I am not threatening you parker, but if you touch that boy, trust me you will regret it, he might never forgive you. he has gone through a lot, trust is far away from him." He said walking away.

OK wait let's rewind, what is my business with that guy. I don't even like that guy. His very rude, he doesn't know when to stop talking sometimes. Why would I care about him trusting or forgiving me. Razer is just filled with bullshit since we came down to earth. My phone vibrated, I picked it up and saw a text from Nina.

Nina- baby I miss you.

Parker- me too.

Nina- wanna come over?

Parker- sure, are your parents home

Nina- no. You coming now?

Parker- yh on my way

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