chapter 28 (parker)

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I learnt that Lena is taken today. Well Razer was all smiles today, he was laughing at every fucking thing, which I didn't care about.
Until I got a first time mind link from William that he has hurt his leg, that he was in Razers chambers.

I ran with all the powers I got to meet the moment I long dreaded someone had tipped them off on what is going on, I had plan to tell them on when they realise they aiint ageing anymore. That's very cruel of me but its better than this moment. I don't know what to say or do, William has become cold and distant.
He stares at me with no emotions what so ever always demanding to go home. This morning he has refused to eat, its been three days, after they found out, I can't concentrate on training, neither is Razer. He has turned pale, and cold from the closed of attitude Lena gives him.
Same as me, I am going crazy if I hear anymore about this I might as well send them home and stay without a mate rather than this. I tell you I barely sleep at night because I know what William is capable of, he took a table knife off the table last night, I didn't sleep a wink last night I was fucking afraid of my own mate. I hate all of this.

God why me? I said to myself in the mirror, why didn't you give me a mate from Zomba. Why did you have to give me someone from earth, God what did I do to deserve this I said breaking down in tears for the first time ever since all this is happening. I cried so much. I heard footsteps and wiped my tears quickly.

William walked in starring at me on the floor of the bathroom crying, he washed his face and walked out.

This isn't the boy I fell in love with, the boy I loved wouldn't watch me cry and then leave. No this William isn't mine, I better brace myself and send him home.

"William am sorry I didn't talk to you about this, I am really sorry, please can you just forgive me and come back to me? Please baby? Please, this is killing me already. I was shedding tears, am sorry William, I am really sorry. If there's anything I can do for you to forgive me, please talk to me, baby please," I begged knelling down beside him in the bedroom.

"Parker! I have no time for this, if you are done with your crocodile tears return me at once to earth so that I can be with someone else, at least someone that can tell me the truth even when they are bullying me and abusing me." He spat.

I was shocked to hear that, "how dare you?" I yelled at him. I stood up, "you compare me with that son of a bitch on earth?. That idiot that rapes and molest you? That piece of shit that I fucking saved you from?." I asked.

He slapped me, "you saved me from nothing, yes you took me away from earth to bring me here so that I can become your puppet forever isn't it?" He asked. "Well sorry to say this thanks for making me immortal, now I can go back and live my life the way I want to". He spat

The tears couldn't stop flowing from my eyes. "I never wanted to hurt you like this, I never wanted you to be a puppet like you said. Am very sorry if its what you think but I will make plans for your return" I said walking away..

The tears in my eyes couldn't stop flowing, is this how it hurts to be heart broken? I walked to Razers chambers, I knocked Lena walked out. "Were is Razer?" I asked.

"What do I care?" she responded. Starring at my teary face.

"Who are you people?" I asked from the sudden behavior?

She sighed and shut the door at my face.

I balled my hand's into a fist from the anger that was seeping into me, for me I would say let's throw this strangers into the portal machine and send them home. 'Were are you?' I mind linked Razer.

"With father!" he replied.

I hurried back to were he is.

"What do you mean they want to be sent home?" The lord asked.

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