chapter 32 the end(Lena)

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This is the last chapter in this book, search for my other work titled abyss.. It might be interesting to you, but, the book is strictly (gay)but some stories concerning parker, William, Lena, Razer, will be included. Thank you for reading... This is actually an epilogue...

Its been a long time coming, when the lord handed over the lordship to my husband Razer shortly two years after our wedding, making it 3 years that I have been in Zomba, I was shocked. I thought he was making a mistake that they could have ruled more after all they were so young.. Then the queen told me I wouldn't understand I thought she was bluffing.

Here I am with 70 yrs old kids looking like 6yrs old, it is weird you say? That's what I thought at the initial stage when they were 20 and still crawling, now I am used to it, this whole process is exhausting I have watched this adult kids for 70 yrs of my life and am going to continue watching them till they get a mate, now if I had known I wouldn't have gotten pregnant that Early, no one prepped me for this. I fully understand what the queen means now. I swear to you raising this kids and being a queen? Its exhausting the moment this kids got their mates am handing over. Am done no wonder they don't birth too much children over here.

Lena help me watch Jasmine will you, while I go get Justin from Leyla's. Parker said he doesn't want him sleeping over there today please.

I rolled my eye's at Parker's over protectiveness over his kid's.. I will watch them ok, but please on your way down can you help me tell those triplets that its bed time, and please tell Razer I need him upstairs ok.

Ok I will and please try not to fuck in front of my daughter ok.

I placed my hand's on my chest, fake hurt. How dare you I joked.

Liam rolled his eye's, umm Ruby said she's going with me to get Justin though.

Fine! But get her back fast, so she can sleep they have training tomorrow.

OK am off now he said walking away.

Come here jas! I carried the baby into my bed. don't get me wrong let me explain I was delivered of triplet after my first pregnancy, I swore never to have another, the three bunch are a handful, they were named Ruby, Roland, Robert. It was there grandfather who named them though, the two boys are always fund of their only sister, but it seems to me that she loves Liam more than me the mother, for the first ten years she was born she chose to sleep and stay with Liam. Anytime I bring her into the nursery with the brother she would cry and cry and immidately start running temperature, once you take her back to Liam everything will disappear. She started associating with the brothers when parker and William decided to adopt there twins, which is Jasmine and Justin this little cuttie in my hand's here is 30 yrs old, they started walking 5 yrs ago. They are beautiful kid's.

Babe!! Why is Jasmine here? Razer asked.

Uncle Razer! Jasmine called.

Hey baby! Come here.

I let her down she carefully ran into my husband's arms.

Were is daddy? Razer asked jas.

Daddy went to get Justin she murmured. I want up, she gestured laughing.

You want uncle to throw you up huh? Huh? Razer asked throwing the baby up, and catching her severally. She was giggling so hard.

Put my daughter down now, parker yelled on beholding the scene as he entered the room.

Papa! Jasmine shouted with joy, racing to him.

Jas! He said too in same enthusiasm to March his daughters, he carried and peppered kisses on her cheeks while she giggles. Were is daddy huh? He asked her.

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