Razer (chapter 16)

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Please before you read this episode make sure you had read chapter 15 there is a mix up.

Being able to ignore Lena was a blessing in disguise, I just want this three months to go by quickly, so I can go back home, Here is exhausting.

I think I really need to talk to Dad it seem to me as if he knew my mate was a human, that was why he sent me here, I couldn't communicate with him at all since I got here. Parker is happy now, I gave him back his memories this morning, he cried for not wanting the sweetest thing on earth as his mate, his words not mine. Watching him talk to him want to make me puke.

"Can you both stop? at least get a room, I will die if I keep looking at you both." I fake made a puking face.

I saw worry cross there face, come on, ever since he rescued me from my panic attack, he kept on giving me that face, am the one who worries not you I said to my self.

"Hey come join us play this game," Liam said.

"What game?", I questioned frowning.

"Its puzzle," he said giggling as Parker kissed his fingers.

"So that you both can suffocate me with this air am perceiving from over here.? I will pass" I said

Liam blushed red, "tell parker to leave me alone" he said glaring at him.

"Nope, that's not happening" he said, kissing his forehead.

"Stop, don't tell me, is this what I think it is?," my uncle yelled as he walked into his backyard.

I rolled my eye's, what the hell is he thinking about again.

Liam jumped off a pouting Parker. "Good evening sir", he greeted scared. "Am sorry Sir its not what you think it is I can explain," he rambled on.

Parker hissed, and drew him close to him, "you don't have to explain anything to him, moreover this is exactly what you think it is," parker said looking my uncle dead in the eye.

"Holy shit," he dashed over to embrace Liam.

Liam held unto parker in fright, "am sorry don't hit me, am sorry, it would not happen again" he said shaking with sobs.

Now this is fun to watch, don't get me wrong, I hate the tiny fact that Liam is crying, but its fun watching parker handle this.

"Hey," my uncle said reaching out his hands to touch him.

Liam recoiled himself into parker the more.

"Leave him alone!" parker barked at my uncle.

Now that made me laugh,

He glared at me, "baby, look at me" Parker asked

I rolled my eye's.

"Look at me!" he said more sternly, Liam's eyes flew to his face, "what did I tell you before, about when you are with me?"

He swallowed his sob, "tha... That no no one will hu.. hurt me", he stammered.

"Good", parker said, "why are you scared?" . He asked him.

"Because" he said, turning to look at my uncle who felt like beating himself up, "I don't know" he said looking down.

"Am sorry! "parker whispered to Liam, "his not going to hurt you, this is Razers uncle Steve, I call him uncle too."

"OK" he murmured.

"Are you OK now?" Steve asked.

He nodded, looking at him.

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