chapter 17 parker

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If this is how it feels to be heart broken I don't fucking want a heart.
I walked into that class to watch that teary reunion of those two humans. He chose him, he fucking chose him

I can't do this anymore, I have been crying for the past 6hour's since I left that class and Liam refused to come with me.

They are humans after all, he will choose his people, I am just a worthless freak trying to impose in there life. He wears my mark that's why it hurts soo much like this, it felt as if my heart is been ripped into tiny piece.

Razer has asked me if he should take my memory and emotions away again, I don't want that, next month will be high school graduation then I can go home.

Its fine Razer, I will be fine thanks, I said to him, lying down facing the ceiling, trust me I wasn't crying again, but the tears has refused to stop falling.

He refused to even look at me, my God marking him was too early, I have just confirmed what carelessness can cause.

"Am sorry parker, its my fault for bringing you here," Razer said.

The anger seeped through me as he said that, "no its not that imp doesn't know the sacrifice I was going to make for him, I was going to be the only gay living among us, I am the second in command because my mark is a dragon, he was a mate to a fire bender, he decided to throw away all my sacrifices for a mere mortal?" I asked.

The obvious answer of what I just said slapped my face and left me crying even more, all those doesn't matter to him, all he knows is that am a freak, he chose his people, was what kept repeating in my head.

I stood up I walked down to the kitchen I picked an apple and bite into it, am idea came to me.

Razer!! I yelled for him upstairs.
Am going to go get laid I screamed again.

What?? He asked, laid how? He asked rushing down the stairs confused.

I am going to go sleep with a human girl. I deadpanned.

Why?? That would not solve your problem he warned.

I don't care I said, I walked out of the house, I walked straight to Nina's, she wants me isn't it, I am going to give it to her.
I knocked at there door, Nina answered it, before she could say a word, I crashed my lips into hers, her mouth tasted salty, no, no, this isn't the lips I want to kiss, his lips was sweet, savory, you can kiss it for ever, this lips isn't full, I broke the kiss to look at a shocked Nina.

Are you OK she asked? You are crying.

No I said, now shut up I said resuming the kiss, pressed her close to me, not the same, in a flash we were on the long form in the sitting room making out, she was enjoying this soo much, she was naked by now, but I couldn't get myself to move a piece of clothing out from my body, I looked at a once in a longtime very sexy Nina, my dick didn't stand.
I felt like screaming why? She drew my face down to resume the making out that was when I heard some gasp, and a body colliding with the floor.
I literally flew away from Nina, I looked over to see a shocked Lena.

What the hell parker? She screamed at me.

I looked beside her to see an almost lifeless William lying on the ground.

I ran to his side, I wanted to touch him, at least feel a pulse. But I recoiled my hand's, he rejected me. I shouldn't touch him, he isn't mine. I thought tears streaming down my face.

Leave him alone Lena yelled, shaking him.

Take him to the bathroom and load the bathe with ice he will be ok, his burning up because of that, I said pointing at my mark.

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