chapter 15 (William)

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I hate running, that's why I never try running away from my bullies it's hectic trust me.
when I ran into the school rooftop yesterday I felt like dying, then I saw parker hovering over Razer, going close to them, his whole body engulfed in fire.
yes I know parker can do some weird things with fire, but being on fire?. That's some weird ass shit, I couldn't believe that saved Razers life.

When we left school yesterday, the school called my brother to tell him I have been missing class, my good mood yesterday was soiled as soon as I got to my house, I didn't even know why I went home.

"Were have you been?" my brother thundered.

"School?" I lied.

Slap! "How dare you lie to me you piece of shit". He fired.

I kept mute. "Am sorry" I said

He drew his hands and punched me in the eye. "If you ever make people from your school call me again you are done for good," he warned.

Tears slipped down my face unexpectedly, I didn't even know I was crying.

"Piece of shit, a little touch and you start shading tears, your fucking crocodile tears. No food for you today. Do not touch anything in that kitchen. Have I made myself clear."

I just stared on at him.

That earned me a punch in the gut. "I said have I made myself clear?"

I toppled over holding my newly bruised stomach. "Ye yes" I manage to bring out in my pains.

"Good, pathetic fag." He cursed walking away.

I stayed there on the floor, groaning in pain, Damian's punch are always the best, as he is like 10yrs older than a 17yrs old me. He gives the best Punch's and slaps(note the sarcasm)
And he works out a lot if I may add.
I dragged myself to my room, when I was sure I can stand.

Walking into school this morning is very hard, suddenly I was conscious of myself, I have a black eye, what if he doesn't want to talk to me, what if he hates me, after seeing that I always get injured, maybe I look ugly.
I was beating myself up when Lena came in to school looking...

"Jesus Christ, what happened to you?" I yelled.

She looked at me, she rolled her eyes, "you are the one to talk", she said pointing at my eye.

"Yah, its Damian," I answered her unasked question.

"Why did you go home, I thought you were with those guys" she queried.

My eyes widened, "you were expecting me to crash at there place?"

She rolled her eyes again, "dude you like this guy and I see you guys are together now, so why not?"

"Lena" I yelled,

"What?" she said,

I shook my head at her. "By the way, why are you looking like a zombie.?"

"Well Razer happened?" She deadpanned.

I didn't ask about what happened yesterday when I was with parker, I forgot, blame me from trying to get a good time while it last. Get your heads out from your ass, we didn't do anything, I just had a good sleep in his arm's

"Hold on! Liam?" she yelled, "is that a tatoo?"

My hands flied to my neck to slap the dragon tattoo Parker's fire left there. "No its not" I said.

"Are you into some illegal stuffs now?" She asked worried.

"No! Hell no! This is just a mark, at least that's what parker called it."

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