Part 2

22 2 54

It that dream again . . . .

For a while now  . . . I have been having those weird dreams , a bloody wasteland , dead bodies everywhere , and . . .  .this girl .  .. she looks robotic?? or maybe a cyborg?? I don't know , but for some reason . . . .  I feel like I saw her before . . . . and that place . . .. . why does this feels familiar . . . . and those names . . . 

. . . . en . . . . .ar . . . . ia . . . ..on . . . . I keep hearing those names , but for some reason I only hear some parts of it . . . and at the end . . . I always hear these words /

"I will found you my king . . . . and this . . . .I will save you . . . just like you saved me"

The phantom woke up and looked at the window and saw the sun rising .

Sam: *sigh* that dream again . . . . but does feel so . . . real .

The phantom shuck his head .

Sam: ah I think about it later .

He got out of his bed , did his daily things , eat breakfast with his friends and family .

Akka: so what's are everyone's plan for today?

Dio: me , Azure , and Amaterasu have a meeting with the eastern gods .

Sam: well me , Kuro-chan , Lana , Sirin , Tamia , and my kids Tama & kin will go on a picnic later.

Dio: make sure to look after Tamia , she's a little sister to ( and please for the love of me don't add her to your harem)

- - - - -

Dio167208: . . . . . .*looks at me*

Samxdemon: I make no such promises  . . . joking she's a little sister *whispers* for now.

Dio167208: JIIIIII~

Samxdemon: ok ok ok fine ! she's just a sister .

- - - - - - - -

Sam; don't worry , I was able to learn how to deal with her . . . . .somewhat .

Kurona: *giggle* I will help as well , also good luck on your meeting .

Azure: thanks you . . . so what about the others?

Alatreon: well me , my dear Skull , my idiot brother and his wife are going back home in the dragon realm to visit out family .

Amatsu: yup , and who do call an idiot !

Alatreon: you of course .

Amatsu: oh you wanna go brother! 

Alatreon: oh~ you want me to beat you , then come a head .

Sayla: *sigh* they're like children .

Skull: yeah . . . they act like master and Dio ,

Dio/Sam: OI !

Azure: don't you oi me , you two fight like this all the time .

Sam: well it's not fault he's picking a fight with me .

Dio: like you one to talk little ghost .

Sam: oh shut up you edgy hollow .

Dio: childish phantom .

Sam: dragon fetish .

Dio: fox fetish .

Sam: coffee manic .

Dio: crazy machinic .

Sam: stupid older brother !

Dio: dumb little brother !

Infinity: will you two stop it!

Sam & Dio: HE START IT !

Everyone: *sigh*

Meanwhile . . . .

???: my queen  . . . . .we found the first piece of the vault of time .

???2: good . . . did you opened?

???: sadly my queen we couldn't , there are some magic seal on it and it really powerful .

???2: hmmm I see . . .I guess that damn king made sure that we don't reach all the vaults . . . *sigh* if only he was here , then this would be easy   . . .  continue you work .

???: yes my queen .

the figure left . 

???: my king . . . . . why did you left me that day . . . . *whispers* I miss you .

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