Part 6

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As the phantom were looking at the drawing . . . all of a sudden a secret door opened , and since there's nothing he can do , he entered . . . . inside there are a table with book on it , and what it looked like a big capsule  .

Sam: what is this ? *holds the book and open it* this looks like . . . a dairy? hmmm

The phantom starts reading . . . 

- if you read this . . . this I must likely have died from the the heroes attacks . . . 

- I left this book for , it contain all my tech skill , and some of powers . . . though the rest the off it you might find it with my *cough* dear wife . . . .anyway . . . I hope this book helps on your adventures though you might not remember me or the the painful past you had . . . but in duo time you will learn the truth about this dark world . . . may the void be with you . 

Sam: . . . . ok this give me more questions , but at least this book might help 

-Also in the room you will some of my creation , take care of her will you?  

Sam: . . . . . . 

From: Sam Aksoun .

And the phantom notice a note with the book .

Sam: hmmm this note contain an information of him or me . . (god this confusing).

-Sam Aksoun 


The vex king .

The Chaotic Phantom .

The master scientist .

The Fox , Wolf , Bunny , Robot girls fetish . (and yes this Sam is like that as well ehehehhe)

And the demon reaper .

- Spills: 

Illotion magic 

Demonic magic .

Holy magic . (and he didn't have weaknes to holy powers unlike this Sam)

Seal magic .

Hollow magic .

And nature magic .

- Skills:

Ultimate skill: skill creation . . . with the exception of ultimate , the user can create ANY skill he imagine .

{Sam: ok that's op as f*** !}

Ultimate skill: master of boundary . . . .the power to control anythings that has a boundary .

{remember Yukary from Touhou? it's like that . . . this power let the user go to deferent worlds . or simply think of something from other world and will appears in the user's hand , also the user can control the boundary between life and death , seals , real & fiction , true & lie , and so on} 

{Sam: ok this guy (of me) is op . . .and whatever killed him must even more crazy than him or me}  

- - - - --

Dio167208: oh you have no idea Sam . . . .*evil smile*

- - - - - -

Rare skills:

Realm creation .

Monster tamer .

Monster summoning .

Weapon creation .( if you're asking the ultimate ver of this skill is unlimited weapon factory)

Sam: hmmmm . . . .ach!

Then phantom felt headache , and heard a voice .

{ conform . . . .  Monster tamer , monster summoning , and weapon creation learned}

{ Ultimate skill ****** learned but duo to the induvial named Sam phantom not meeting all the conditions , the skill will not be active }

Sam: ow . . .well at least a got some awesome rare skills . . . not to see what my other (me) has created .

The phantom got close to the capsule , and then a red light scanned him  , then it turn green .

A.I: CONFORM . . . . . master , capsule now will open .

As it open , a figure appears . . . . that made Sam look with confusing  (and nose bleed)

 - - - -- 

Dio167208: ah the return of why boner .

SamXdemon: WITH VENGENCE !   

- - - -- - 

Ant that figure was . . . 


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???: project E-098 named Gina . . . . .welcome back master .

Void Heroes Arc 5: Lost pastWhere stories live. Discover now