[1] - I don't see how my whole life can change in one week?

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A/N: hello fellow humans, i return with ultimate hunter brainrot this fine evening.

'Italic means thought,'
"I hope you know what speech looks like."
*** means change in setting or pov

Please read this in Serif font!

Also, context; this is not following the canon plot, I made up my own day of unity jargon. Have fun figuring it all out!


You clutched the paper tight in your hands, hating the weight of it on your fingers. 16/35. Unsurprisingly, you've failed math -- but honestly, what class didn't you struggle with?

You can't even pretend to be surprised.

'At this point, is it even worth looking through what I did wrong?' you huffed.

You couldn't believe you actually spent time trying to study for once, and somehow, the world was just out to get you anyway.

You decide to flip the sheet open, and immediately close it at the endless crosses and circles at each and every mistake.

The teacher who taught you was lenient, too. They always gave second chances, extra marks for more workings, and yet still.

"Alright, put your papers down," Your attention shifts from the paper to the whiteboard. The teacher seems to be in high spirits for once, since most of the class had done well that semester. "I'd like to thank all of you for your high grades last year. Even though some of you didn't score."

You felt awkward in your seat. They probably meant just you.

"I'm proud of all of you," they say, with a warm smile - it soothed some of your turmoil, at least - as they gesture to the boy sitting in the front row. "And good job to Hunter, who scored a full mark."

Hunter, The Golden Guard. Everyone claps for him, including you. The student that did more than anyone, the student that never failed a single class, the student that did so well he was basically a celebrity.

He's pretty vertically challenged, not too tall, not too short. Mussed dirty blond, and you'd never met him personally. Your only information on him was through constant rumors and every teachers' constant praise of him. And he wears a yellow medical mask for whatever reason. Apparently it's because he's sick a lot.

He thankfully was only in one or two of your classes - math and maybe art, you didn't know.

You continue to click at your pen.

"And, I have an announcement," they say. "From today onwards, your seats will be decided by the teacher in charge."

You snapped your head up. So did everyone else.

A bunch of noises of confusion and upset burst through the class, rightfully so. Normally, students just picked wherever they sat and called it there.

Ah, fuck it. You couldn't possibly be more screwed, anyway.

The only people you were relatively close with were Luz and Willow, and sometimes Gus if his break matched up. Technically, you're in a bit of a friendship with everyone, but would you really call exchanged names a friendship?

The teacher in front frantically tried to calm the panic, waving their hands around while shouting "Shh," and "Quiet down!".

The class eventually fell silent enough for them to continue.

They clear their throat. "This is not my choice, this is simply something we are going to keep things more organized." They move to their bag and pull out a sheet of paper, and everyone guessed what it could be. "I am deeply sorry."

By that point, your attention had gone elsewhere, and your pen had fallen to the floor sometime in your fidgeting.

You look around, bending down from your chair, hand outstretched to reach your beloved pen-

"Let's start with the rearranging now, shall we?" He turns to look at you. "Y/N, sit next to Hunter."

"OW, FUCK!" The back of your head slams across the table and you nearly fall off your chair. It didn't take a rocket scientist to prove the rest of the class' jaws dropped to the floor at their words.

"Uh," one of them says, as you rub your neck in pain. "You're joking?"

They shook their head with a remorseful smile. "Principal's orders."

Fuck you, universe, you sack of shit. What did you do in your past life to deserve this? Did you kill a man? Were you Hunter in a past life?

Fuck this.

And with every bone in your body aching for you to stay seated, throbbing headache creeping its way up, slowly, excrutuatingly, you turned your head to your bag, and placed your things back inside. Trying your hardest to drag out this final moment of solitude before your life falls apart at the seams.

You zip up your bag, slinging it across your shoulder as you wince in pain, and walk to the front.

Your eyes are on the prize - The Golden Guard's seat, always at the first row. You felt dread creeping up your shins to your back the closer you got to that seat.

Quietly, you place your bag on the empty space on the bench, and you try your best not to make any eye contact.

As you sit down, The Golden Guard side-eyes you.

You look at him.

Your ass touches the seat and you want to groan in your impending horror.

Everyone stared at you, and you hated it because they definitely weren't congratulating you for anything other than how unlucky you'd have to be to sit next to a teen prodigy.

Humorous, innit?

You slap your head on the table, and everyone moves on as the teacher calls out the next name.


Hunter shifts in his seat. He turns to look at the kid next to him, opens his mouth, then closes it again. Then he finally musters the courage, opens his mouth through his mask again, gets a breath out, then turns back to his seat.

His lips press into a thin line - completely clueless on what to do here. He can barely remember the last time a kid ever sat next to him.

He eyes you, noticing how tired you seemed to be. You're awake, at least, but you aren't saying anything to him.

'No,' His mind supplies, curtly. "No, Hunter, you're here to study, not make friends."

Suddenly you look up at him, and Hunter realizes he's been caught staring.

"You're Hunter, I'm assuming?"

Hunter clears his throat. "Yeah," he says, putting his hand out. "You?"


"Cool." 'Oh, the failure student.'

"Thank you," you say, and hesitantly, you bring your arm out to take his. Shaking hands ensues.

You're startled when the teacher in front calls to the class, informing that it's over.

You decide to leave your bag in class, as you had another math class right after lunch. You get up out your chair. "I'll see you after lunch, Hunter."

Hunter looks at you confusedly, then waves. You can't see his smile very well, but his eyes do wrinkle at the edges so that's probably it. "Byee!"


A/N: AAAAAAA i hope to update at least once a week, cant count on adhd to get me pumping stuff out any quicker

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now