[16] - kiss it off me, if you're gonna break my heart

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Also, the gifs on chapters are usually quite similar to how I imagine certain scenes! Gay

Also, heres a longer one to make up for lost time!


The days pass by agonizingly slowly.

Hunter noticed that you'd been looking everywhere for him since then, and has come to realize he's chosen to promptly avoid you.

Desperately... again.

He's recognized his own douchey behavior -- but refuses to acknowledge it. He has technically avoided you for a whole week before, and you had successfully cornered him before, too, but that was when he was dying to see you again!

He has a whole other level of willpower when the mere sight of you sets him off like a bomb!

Yeah, what's another week, anyway?


You're not letting him avoid you for another week.

"Screw him, honestly! If he doesn't want to interact after shoving me into piss from who-knows-ass, he should say it himself! He's already been a douchebag multiple times already!" You complain, to Gus, who's helpfully standing with you at the lunch break. He hasn't even returned the Grimoire yet, because it seems he remembered to grab that fucking book rather than help you up.

He sighs. "Y'know, for someone who supposedly likes you, he's done barely anything to show it. He's a total dick, and shoved me for no reason too," Gus rests his head back in his hands. "If you date him, I better get a long, well-thought-out apology, and a big box of grape juice cartons."

"I thought you liked bottles better?"

"If it's a box of the stuff, I'd let it slide."

"Same. I want one of apple juice. But in bottles, for shoving me into piss," Slumping into your chair, you sigh

For once, you've decided you deserve better. Hunter sucks to like, and even though he's extremely cute, and kisses really awkwardly but passionately, he's still being an ass by not telling you directly.

And he's yet to apologize for all the avoiding and playing with your emotions.

Gus decides to leave the conversation there, letting the silence set in.

You decided you're not going to confront him again. At this point, it's pathetic to chase after someone who won't give you the time of day.

"I can't believe I skipped class for him," you say. "I was so whipped."

Gus giggles, "Like whipped cream and mascarpone for added thickness."

"Are you saying I'm thick-headed?" You laugh in unison.


"At least my head isn't filled with grape juice," you tease back.

The two of you laugh a little more at your own jokes.

Yeah, you do deserve better. You much prefer this to whatever was happening the past week. You and Hunter had already submitted your project early, and all you're doing is waiting for a response. The grade.

After this, you're never going to chase after him ever again.


☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now