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Don't worry yall I wouldn't write smut. But teens in a relationship DEFINITELY make out a lot.

I've lived long enough to know. But yall are getting slightly heated kisses at best lol.


You wake up, the lights dark and your mouth dry.

Tussling around in the comfy bed, you realize you're still in Hunter's arms, tucked away sweetly as his head rests in your hair.

Looking up, you see he's got the cutest sleeping face. So peaceful, unlike his normally tense one, or the tired bags he has when he's studied for a long time. Or his eye bags in general.

You almost don't want to move. How could you move when your adorable boyfriend practically cuddles you half to death?

Smiling to yourself, you try to fall back asleep... but feel yourself extremely thirsty.

You really don't want to go get a drink, not if it's risking waking Hunter up from what must be his best sleep in a while. You close your eyes.

...You really need that water. You can barely breathe, with how crusted the surface of your mouth feels.

Alas, you are getting some water. It shouldn't take that long, right? One by one, you peel his hands that have wrapped themselves comfortably around you, carefully slipping out of Hunter's arms, replacing them with the bolster next to you.

"Mmh," you hear, just as soon as you leave. "Don't go..."

What is this, some fanfiction?!

"I'll be back in just a bit," you whisper, and after contemplating for a few seconds, kiss the tight lines on Hunter's forehead relaxed.


The house is already a maze, with how you needed Hunter to lead you everywhere. But in the dark? You're completely lost.

It'd all be a lot easier if you'd just woke Hunter up, but you're not cruel enough to do that.

Gripping the walls, you use your phone's flashlight to light up the way and somehow find the staircase. With the smooth wall along your fingertips, you go up the stairs, one leg after another. As you reach the next floor, you hards feel something cold, and slick, and as you shine your flashlight, it's shiny, like metal.

A doorknob.

You grip it and turn.

The door creaks open, and the low moonlight through the large open window reveals just enough silhouette for you to know just what this room is.

A big, mahogany table, shelves filled with neatly arranged books, and a large window, with curtains drawn, framing the sheer mass of this room. You've never seen anything like it, not any office quite this large. No one works in this kind of office alone, it has to be for at least two people.

A small part of you says you shouldn't snoop, and another is too curious to let this slide.

You go in.

Finding the light switch, you flick it, and the room lights anew, a golden hue ruminating across each surface. You can tell it's been used recently, with how everything is neatly arranged, not a speck of dust on anything, not even when you run your hands along the many books that mesmerize you.

There has to be hundreds across all the shelves. One catches your eye, with its golden spine that looks all the familiar. Pulling it out...

The leather cover, the many golden details. You recognize it, but it looks so different. It's got a different style, grander, and more... personal. It's the grimoire. Not yours, but it's definitely a grimoire.

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now