[25] - your lips are soft like winter, in your passion, i was lost

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It's cold. Dark.

How long have you been sitting here? Your legs went numb a long time ago. You can't tell anymore. You've lost count of what day it even is.

Sometimes, you'd close your eyes, hoping that once you'd open them, this is all some big dream, and you'd wake up in your bedroom again.

But it wasn't. Your eyes opened to the same messy floor, covered in books and random items littered across the floor. You remembered clear as day how you even got here.

Your limbs had been tied together at some point. You'd tried your hardest to fight your way through them, tried your hardest to run out of this fucking place even before he put these ties on you, but it was hopeless. They wouldn't budge. At some point, you'd lost all the energy to move in the first place.

A clacking sound wakes you from your trance, and you find a familiar clay bowl in front of you. It's filled with some kind of mashed food, with some colour here and there.

"Eat," Belos tells you. "I need you at full strength for what we're going to do."

The bowl stares back at you.

Belos kicks it closer. "Use your mouth. If you're not planning on eating it, I'll have to force-feed you."

Your body aches. It'd do you some good to finally eat something.

Belos tuts. "I suppose that's what I get for tying you up. You could have just cooperated from the beginning and none of this would have happened. But you didn't, did you?"

Your stomach turns at the smell. You're starving.



Hunter rubs his eyes as his eyes adjust. He doesn't feel as queasy as Luz does, after all, he's very much used to teleporting left and right.

"Oh, gosh... this place stinks!"

Hunter looks around. As his eyes adjust, he realizes exactly where he is.

"Holy shit..." Luz gasps.

"His portal room..."

Perhaps it's the concept of being back after so long, yet Hunter can't focus on that for too long - as his eyes lock on something he wishes he'd never have to see.


Something warm travels down your arm. And your legs. And your back.
It was warm at first, almost comforting in the environment you were in, but it flushed cold against your skin, and you shiver even more.

It takes a long, heady while to realize you're covered in your blood.

You hear your name echo in your ears. It's not the first time you've hallucinated it.

You hear it again. And again. Then, footsteps. Rapid ones. It's a lot more vivid this time.

"I'd like to thank you, human," Belos coos, distracted by the glinting knife in his hand. "It's been a while since I've had the opportunity of casting a spell through a catalyst."

"No, not again," you whisper to yourself.

Belos grabs your arm, and you wince as more blood pours out of it. Belos does well to cut his arm too, mixing it.

It's sickening. Your eyes go pitch black, and you can't hear anything but Belos' voice.

He's cackling. "I knew this would be the last puzzle I needed! You've done well in supplying me with just what I need to get everything done. You're nothing but dispensable to me now. Don't you feel ashamed for all the things you've done to the world?"

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now