[2] - Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Outta Me!

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A/N: kill me now. this is much longer than intended, mostly because i wanted it to end on a high note, wink wink. Enjoy!


You walk away from the class, excited to finally leave for break. Willow stood in front of door to the cafeteria, waiting for you.

She smiles at the sight of you, "Good afternoon." though, she very quickly noticed you were very much not in a good mood. "You okay?"

"Good morning to you too," you greeted back. "I'll need the best food in the cafeteria to aid in my sorrows."

Willow laughed, she was about to ask something, though Luz had appeared from behind her before she could say anything.


"Luz, I'm going to need you to fucking sedate me."

Said Luz stops in her tracks, concernedly looking at you. "What happened to you?"

"Hunter is sitting next to me in class. I'll dig my grave in this cafeteria flooring, if you don't mind," You groaned, ready with your pretend shovel. The floor was solid but hey at least you could have the dirty dirty cafeteria floor to eat you up.


"The Hunter?" Luz asked you. "He's just really sad."

The three of you begin walking into the cafeteria. Willow was kind enough to do the explaining for you.

"He's The Golden Guard," Willow says, walking up to the vending machine. She picks apple juice. "He's the school's teen prodigy, since he does so well in all his classes. I heard he's already got colleges asking for him."

"What's so terrible about that?" Luz subsequently picks two mango juices for you and her.

You groaned, smiling at her for the mango juice. "My...best marks in math are enough to get me into nowhere-college."

"Ohh," Luz nods. "Yeah, that sounds terrible."

"Hence why I'll be digging my grave. I have math again right after lunch, and I do not want some stuck up brat seeing my shit takes at logarithms."

You take your cue to walk up to the cashier, picking a meal from the packaged fridge section along the way.

The guy in front of you seemed familiar, but you couldn't tell since he's got a hoodie on. I was a cream colour, kind of like the army soldier's from a show you watched. You continue to try and figure out who it is, though it doesn't take long.

The person's hoodie fell off their head, and ah, you know exactly who it is.

Buzz cut hair along the sides, long slicked-back dirty blond.

The Golden Guard.

He seemed to have noticed you scrutinizing him, because he turns right around and you two lock eyes.

"Oh, hi, Y/n," He asks in a mundane tone. You've never heard him talk like that before. "What're you doing here?"

You lifted your arms up, showing your delicious packaged lunch which was probably chuck-loaded with preservatives. "Buying food to eat, of course."

Hunter seemed to have realized that his question made no sense, which made him clear his throat. "I'll see you later," as he whispers the last part, "hopefully not."

His voice changed near the end, much more stern, and you watch him walk away.

'Kill me now,' you think to yourself, before paying for your food. 'What an asshole.'

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now