[13] - North of savannah, we swim in the palisades

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What can he do, what can he do, what can he fucking do?

He's read it, again, and again, so much he's lost count. He highlighted words in erasable marker, taken notes, heck, even translated some cryptic rune pages.

And what did that yield? Nothing.

Oh, beloved, why must you leave me so? I had only wished to be with you, to succeed in my dreams alongside you! I yelled, and yelled, yet he would not listen.

"But darling," he said in that voice, I know that voice oh so well. Its the exact voice he uses, right as he's about to leave me. "I have dreams elsewhere, ones that cannot involve you. They lie beyond that even you can imagine."

I clutched the knife in my pocket, tighter. Perhaps, if I can just give him a bit more of my blood, he would go off, and he wouldn't leave.

It would be so easy to trap him here, by my side. I only know so much about magic here in my world. My blood is my only vessel and I haven't much of it.

"Ugh," Hunter scowls. "So much for blood and going off. The writer can't explain anything useful."

Hunter leans on the wall again, exhausted, while Flapjack twitters on his shoulder, encouraging him.

"If only this author could just tell me what to do, like Luz's friends' grimoire. So much for a grimoire that can't explain more than a talismen requirement."

Hunter sighs, and looks back down to the book. Did he maybe miss something? There's barely anything in the book besides some person weeping about their lover.

Begrudgingly, he skips to the last page. He's practically memorised the rest of the book anyway, so it doesn't even matter.

My beloved cannot return to me.

He has ventured beyond my world, and I only have so much time left.

I'm running out of blood. The more I use, the quicker my life drains. There's only so much I can do.

Who knows when he would return... I am of no use to him anymore. Any magic I use now, will only result my death.

Perhaps... I could conjure a final spell?

I am in agony anyway. May as well make this final spell worth it.

A letter-in-a-bottle spell? To send my regards to my husband? Even a kiss goodbye spell would suffice.. but I have too many words to say and not enough time.

I need something instant, something that will last forever.

Perhaps... this book?

"It just ends there!" Hunter yells, slamming it closed. "Nothing but babbling and rambling!"

He's so exhausted. "Wonder if there's anyone who's like me like that. Enough to like me even if I'm gone for a long, long time..."

His mind trails to Y/N.

He misses them. He'd missed them this entire time.

"I just wish we weren't from two different fucking dimensions," Hunter slumps against the wall. "Maybe if I was a human just like them, or grew up in the human world with no tasks... maybe then we could've been something."

Flapjack only rubs his cheek onto Hunter's in comfort.

"What do you think? By now I would've probably told them, too, if it weren't for the fact my uncle would get in the way. I've never felt this way bout anyone, ever, either. They're just so cool, care so much about some dumb friends. They even cared about me!"

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now