[11] - you can fool yourself, I promise it will help

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A/N: im sorry for being late,,, again,,,, pls forgive me i honor this with a long chapter

I wrote this in my exam hall before my exam lmfao i am without glasses and incredibly sleepy. Herewego


You took a nice sip of the orange juice from the carton in your hand - the hour was upon you, and you'd have to confront Hunter in just 15 minutes.

"So, what're you planning on telling him?" Gus takes a swig of his grape juice, smile evident on his face by the freshness of it. "Like, will you just... walk up to him? No prompto?"

"Pretty much," You frowned, your orange juice was all gone. You tossed it in the bin next to you. "I don't know, I didn't even talk to him after everything. I barely even know if he's willing to talk to me. Or look at me."

Gus notices your upset face at the lack of OJ, handing you the his bottle. "Those juice cartons are always so small. Why don't you ever get the bottled stuff?"

"They're too expensive, plus lunch isn't that far away from first period," you mumbled a quick thank you before taking a swig of Gus' grape juice. You still had some residual OJ aftertaste, so it tasted kind of weird, but good nonetheless. Good soup.

"Yknow, I could always buy one for you?" Gus takes back his bottle, capping it. "It's really no problem."

"Really? Don't mind if I do!"

Gus laughs, he's already bought a bottle of grape juice for you. "Good luck, soldier," he says, reaching down to pick it up from the compartment.

Once he picks it up, he leans back, but his back comes into contact with something hard.

"Y/n, here, oh, sorry-" Gus gets caught off guard.

You look up to see, none other than him. The guy who hasn't left your mind since the previous Friday.

"Hunter!" Gus says, nervous lilt in his voice. "Y/n's friend, right? I've heard a lot about y-"

Hunter pushes Gus aside, reaching for the vending machine.

You get up, walking toward him, broken out of your trance of shock. "Hunter, what was that for?"

"And who are you supposed to be?"

You'd think he was saying that to Gus, but with his pointed look right at you, its clear who he meant it for.

"Uh," you say, almost in disbelief. "Good joke, but how are you? I was going to talk to you about what happened last Fri-"

"I don't know you, and I don't care for what you have to say-" Hunter heaves a breath. "About a Friday."

Hunter presses the button on the vending machine for orange juice, grabbing it right out the collection tray. Then he leaves. Just like that.

"Woah," Gus is the first to break the silence. "Is he... always like this?"

You shake your head. "No??"

As if on cue, the bell rings.

"Shoot, you're seeing him in Math, right?" Gus turns to you. You nod.

"Maybe if he's cornered, he'll talk?" You honestly hoped more than you were reassured. "Seeya, Gus! Thanks again!"

"Bye!" and you two run in opposite directions.


You barged into the classroom, finding, to your delight, Hunter in his seat! Rejoice! Rejoice!

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now