[22] - I steal a few breaths from the world, for a minute

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It has come to my attention that my readers think wearing jeans indoors in comfortable. So I bought a new pair of jeans that aren't tight (it was a struggle). These ones are loose and high quality. They still do not feel nice to walk in.

Moral of the story? Jeans indoors is not it folks. Try sweatpants or leggings. Slay slaying!


The ghost pepper noodles were a horrible decision.

While you suffer in the opposite end of the table, with only the basic ingredients in your cup (Hunter INSISTING you at the very LEAST add a can of shredded tuna and some cheese), you're doubling over in pain.

Hunter, however, is totally fine.

In fact, he's been chowing down on his noodles without a singular glass of water or milk, while you've already downed three.

Why do you put yourself through this?

"Yikes, isn't your spice tolerance supposed to be, like, good?" Hunter teases, eating another spoonful. "Pluth, ith noth evensh thath shpishy."

"Please... don't... speak with your mouth full," You're full on panting now. If you thought you had spice tolerance before, you're being torn in for a new one.

Hunter's busy laughing at your pathetic spice abilities. Flapjack is too. "Come on, you can't do better than that? This is basic stuff for me."

"The Tom yam we had wasn't nearly this spicy," you reach for another glass of milk, downing it in one go. Thank god its cold.

"How cute. I was testing you that day."

"Go... fuck... yourself."

"Fuck me yourself," Hunter laughs out loud, and you certainly want to die.


Hunter decided to leave the dishes for later, noticing that you... may have thoroughly messed up your digestive tract for the rest of your life.

You're resting on the sofa, hand holding an ice cream popsicle. "Please never make me eat that again."

"Sorry, lover, but you're subject to that at least a few more times," He quips.

"I hate you."

Hunter suddenly sits up, looking at you. His eyes are wide. "Wait, what?"

Well, that sure was sudden. "What?"

"You hate me?"

"What? No, obviously not! I'm in a relationship with you. Why would I hate the person I'm dating?"

"Oh, err..." Hunter scratches his head, ears turning red. "Sorry. I don't know why that bothered me all of a sudden."

That was really sudden? You're still dying while this all unfolds so you aren't exactly sure what's happening. "You good?"

"Uh, yeah! Yeah," Hunter starts chuckling nervously. "I'm good. Just, have a bad feeling, thats all."


☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now