[17] - Feel like a brand new person (but you'll make the same old mistakes)

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The day comes and passes, and this time, you're sure of your decision.

Hunter isn't any of your damn business anymore.

You were so sure, too, that just giving him a little bit of a chase would get him to open up. Sticking by his side would hopefully get him to open up eventually!

Clearly, because after being both kissed and shoved into piss right after, then being promptly avoided, again, with no apology?

You sighed to yourself one last time, before taking your books out of your locker.

There's a sudden hand on your shoulder, and you, expecting it to be Gus, turn around to find someone that hasn't spoken to you in almost two weeks.

Slightly chubby, with navy hair, and glasses, you see Willow.

Your face gapes. You open your mouth to say something but are promptly interrupted-


Luz, who now has her arms thrown at you, glomps you into the tightest hug you can possibly imagine.

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do this," Luz says with a laugh. "We missed you!"

Whatever you wanted to say goes to the mist. They missed you.

Willow speaks next, "We've abandoned you and Gus for the past two weeks, and we're really sorry. We didn't want to get you involved in-"

"I DID!"

"-But we couldn't because it's a really personal thing that I don't know how to explain to you but we realized we've been terrible friends to you and Gus!"


You struggle to process anything, choosing instead to hug the living daylights out of Luz's back. She promptly accepts with glee.

You laugh almost half-heartedly, still trying to understand what just happened.

"I don't know, it's been two whole weeks and I haven't even seen you two," You're trying your best to give them the benefit of a doubt since they were busy with things, but you were genuinely so upset at them for ditching Gus as well.

Willow nods, and no, you haven't let go of Luz, and she hasn't let go of you.

"I'm joining this hug," she says, and promptly does so.

It's a nice and warm moment, though a bit of an awkward angle on your part, but it's the hug you needed after everything went down.

"I'll pay for lunch today," Willow promises. "And tomorrow, to make up for it!"

You can't say no to free food.

You giggle, happy that they're back. "I'd love to!" You chirp. "I missed you both, too."

"Anyway, we decided to tell you about why we've been so busy lately -- the actual one," Luz finally lets go, giving you space to breathe. Willow looks between you two, stops, and moves her hands slightly away, before deciding to stick them right back on and continue hugging you.

On cue, Gus approaches you all, looking quite shocked himself.

"Uh, did I miss something?"


The two promptly drop you and run to hug Gus again. His previous height would have made him topple over, but he keeps steady.

"Good to see you two back," He says with a grin, hugging them back. "No more keeping secrets."

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now