[4] - It's My Problem, That I Never Am Happy

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A/N: Ah. I've committed a terminal mistake. I added magic lore. *kill me*
But yeah, I'm going to have to insert my own hullabaloo into the way magic works in the human world. This was supposed to be modern au

And, if you're having trouble imagining the math project, it's kinda like a sims. With no roof and such


"What the fuck?" you mumbled.

Hunter had walked into class with a literally half-done first story. It wasn't furnished, but the room layout was nearly done.

"Hey, Y/n," he says, holding his project like he hadn't just brought it practically finished save for furniture.

You repeat, more disbelieving now. "What the fuck?"

Hunter seemed to have caught on to your disbelief, and his chest puffs up with pride, eyeing you with squinted eyes and raised eyebrows. "Like what you see?"

"I- how did you-? We have an entire month to-"

"I have to make sure I'm early to be at the top of the class," With an unspoken 'obviously,' at the end. He moves to place his work of art on the desk, laying the things down.

You decide not to say any more about that.

Nevermind, screw that. "Did you get any sleep last night? How'd you do all this so fucking fast? This would have taken me a week at least!"

Hunter laughs, flipping his cape dramatically. "Sleep doesn't matter, I'm just doing my best."

"Amazing work, Hunter. Quick as a fiddle as usual," You and Hunter startle by the voice of your teacher. They approach your desk, and the reality of having a front row seat hits you like a truck.

The teacher on cue, looks to you. "Which part were you working on, Y/n?"

You freeze on the spot. You'd honestly started feeling bad when lying to them since they were quite nice. "Uh, Hunter's doing the first story and I'm doing the second."

"Oh, that's amazing, Y/n. Though," they hesitate. "What have you started on? I didn't see you walk in with any workings."

Ah, shit.

Hunter looks to you, frantic, but quickly composes himself.

"Actually, they helped me quite a bit with building," he says, grinning. You're surprised by his ability to lie so well.

The teacher raises an eyebrow. "I see, then how come it was only you that walked in with the work? Did Y/n visit your home?"

"Quite the opposite; I went to theirs."

You snapped your head towards him.

Hunter gestures to you with his hand. "I simply went home with the project since Y/n's workspace isn't very large."

"Yeah," You add. "What he said."

The teacher sighs, but it seems he agrees with you somewhat. "Good luck," They say, before walking to the next student.

Hunter looks at you, smugly grinning. "Told'ja things would go off without a hitch."

"You're fucking insane."

"As I'm told." he flips his hair, sitting back down and pulling out supplies. Craft glue, super glue, wallpaper, cardboard, clean-cut styrofoam, and there was more in the tote bag. "And, don't worry, I'm not actually going over to your house."

"Oh," you say, startled. "I wouldn't be opposed to it, if you wanted."

"Really? Then I'd love to!" He beams at you, then looks away, troubled. "No, I need to stay home to take care of my uncle."

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now