[19] - I wish I could talk to you (pull my chair right up there next to you)

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You stare at Hunter.

He's huffing, puffing, and he's keeled over, but you're just confused. Why does he keep chasing you? Why won't he listen to instructions and leave you alone?

"What the hell do you want?" You snap. Frankly, you'd had enough of boy shenanigans and just wanted it all to end.

"Wow...you're...a lot fiestier...today," Hunter says, a little astonished. He stops between words to breathe, putting his hand up to ask you for a moment to catch his breath. "Anyway...I have...something to say!"

You want to scream.

"Hunter, no," your nerves are reaching their wits end. Just who does he think he is? For all he knows, you were just taking a shit!

You make your cue to walk away, uncaring for whatever he wants to say.

Hunter notices this. He jerks up, uncaring for his breath--

He grabs your hand. "Wait!"

You try to wiggle your way out of his grip, but find that he only tries to pull you towards him again.

"Will you just fuck off?!" You yell, chest so tight it wants to burst. "Can't you get that some people don't want to be friends with you anymore?!"


Hunter's got a big grin when you finally turn around. The look on your face, to him, is priceless.


The whole fucking school probably heard him. You. Definitely. Heard him. "You what?"

"Why else would I kiss you, Y/n?! Why else would I have kissed you even if you weren't looking at that damned paper?!" Hunter huffs, his fists clenched. Seeing you stunned to silence, he finally breathes out.

His hand doesn't leave yours, as he's afraid you'll leave. There's a stroke of deja vu between him, and he realizes...He's done this to you, hasn't he? Running away, ignoring you, and only really listening when you grabbed his hand and made him stay.

You're only doing to him what he's always done to you. It's practically the karma that's been waiting for him all this time.

He looks away, scratching the back of his neck. "Wow, this situation is pretty similar, huh? The bathroom and all..."

That's it. You're royally screwed.

There's no way you won't listen now — it's exactly why you chose to run away. You want him to like you, you want him to apologize so you can forgive him and like his dumb ass back. He's the one guy that's been giving you all these dumb fan fiction-esque butterflies, making you feel all flustered and the root of all your latest negative self-talk.

"Alright," You finally, to Hunter's soon relief, decide to give up the chase. "What do you want to tell me?"

You figure if his apology is strong, and he gets you a stuffed bear or something, you'd forgive him.

Hunter lights up like a bulb, and suddenly all the confidence in his voice fades and they come out so low it may as well be a whisper. "W-well, now that you're actually listening, erm..."

He  cautiously pulls his hand away from yours, wiping them on his pants, them getting increasingly sweaty. Then he goes back to holding your wrist. You just eye him cautiously.

"The thing is," He inhales, a little frantic. "Ever since we met, I used to think you were this dumb, unmotivated, loner, failure of a student, someone with no future ahead of them, sad--"

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now