[5] - You And Me, We're Not The Same

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A/N: you see my hand has been cramping like hell but do you think i give a fuck? No. Hunter brainrot time


You decided for the sake of your anxiety, to text Hunter instead.

I'm outside :You

Hunter The Textbook Workaholic: wgy didn't ypu ribg the doprbell?

Idk if its actually your house :You

Hunter The Textbook Workaholic: its the obly houhde with s gaye

Please open the fucking door :You

On cue, the gates open, and the door inside opens to reveal Hunter standing there. "It's not that hard to ring the doorbell!" He yells.

"Fuck you!" You yell back as you make your way in.

As you make your way through the gates, you notice the complete lack of a garden, only a couple stones and shapes of spikes. The house itself was like a castle, but grey and dark as all hell.

"Nice house," you comment.

Hunter smiles smugly. You realize he is without his mask.

Holy shit. Your breath catches in your throat.

He's fucking gorgeous.

His teeth have a gap in his toothy grin, a scar on face that stretches from his right cheek to his jaw, and a Greek nose that perfectly framed his face.

His outfit wasn't the usual ivory hooded cloak and golden yellow shirt and pants -- he's got a mustard vest that seem to fit his body tailor-made, with clasps on top of a blue mid-length sleeved shirt that frame his shoulders perfectly and, navy jeans. 'Who ears jeans indoors?'

You'd never seen his smile through the mask before. You're very thankful to the universe for this blessing.

"What? Excited to be at my house?" He says, and you don't miss the implication.

"I-- uh--"

"Don't worry, we're totally alone," he walks over to you, putting his hand on your shoulder. "To do work. Get your head out of the gutter."

His flirty demeanor drops completely, and you wanted to kick him in the shins. Desperately. You contemplate grabbing him by the shins and slapping that knowing grin off his stupidly cute face.

"What's that you're carrying?" He asks, pointing to the paper bag, catching you out of your trance.

"It's for your house," you say, handing him the bag. "Thank you for inviting me over."

"Oh," the way he takes the bag from you is exceedingly cautious. He's genuinely surprised. "Thanks."

"It's a wind chime, you can hang it up in front of the door."

Hunter nods, and you see him genuinely flustered for the first time. Though, it doesn't take long before he's composed again. "Let's go in."

He's gonna be the death of you.

The inside of his house leaves you in awe. Tall ceilings which you dare not look at twice, walls painted a dark purple with cabinets and souvenirs which can only be described as gothic.

"You have a nice house," You say. "It's just as gloomy as you are."

Hunter looks to you upsettedly, and rolls his eyes. "Put your bag down at the door. We're having lunch."

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now