[14] - there on his shoulder, my friend is bit seven times

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A/N: Hehe... title :) also happy chrysmas!


To your dismay, Gus was running late again that morning, which, fair, is understandable, you simply wished he were the one dragging you around as opposed to, well, Hunter.

Hunters all over the place, having dragged you through every step of the way, mumbling garbled nonsense to himself, occasionally squeezing your hand tight in his. You're also kind of enjoying this attention. Would you admit it to yourself?

Reaching the bathroom, you're pulled out of your thoughts at the sounds of the voices you knew oh so well. With, how they haven't spoken to you at all these past few days, you're really feeling the pain.

"So much for making this palismen thing," Luz grumbles in defeat. "We can't even find a human with the magic faucet thing! This sucks."

"Please don't lie on the dirty floor yet, we'll do it together when I'm upset too," Willow sighs, and you hear the sounds of page-flipping. "Maybe there's someone we know? It can't be rare at all, according to here, it's supposed to be really common."

"Like I've been saying for the past week, why don't we ask Y/N? Or even Hunter? They both don't have magic and even though the latter isn't exactly human it could still work?"

"Nope, absolutely not," Willow chides. "Who knows what will happen when more humans find out about magic? There's two separate worlds for a reason. We can't really disrupt that."

You hear a sound that can only be described as "UGHGHGHHDODNFMCKDHFBDHFBF", which probably means they're struggling. What an empath, you are.

If only they would just fucking ask you, you think.

You hear a sigh. "Let's just reread it again. Maybe we missed something."

"Haven't we read it four ti-"

"According to my research, humans have the ability to be a catalyst for-"


"-magic users who have the ability, limited ability or no ability, to tap into magic and/or enhance it's properties. I've studied the people and through my copious, copious amounts of research, have discovered that most humans can act as this catalyst. It is simply that-"

"Please make it stop."

You realise, when you turn to check on Hunter, that he's looking right at you. You don't exactly know how to react so you smile awkwardly and hope for the best, looking away.

"-the base catalyst itself is the blood. I, cannot channel my magic through my beloved, without first pricking my finger. It is with good news that the amount of blood does not affect the output of magic, it is simply the presence of a catalyst itself that causes such a change."


"Rightfully so, the amount by which this enhancement occurs is still beyond my capability to examine. I only have two people as test subjects, after all."

"Oh, thank god you're done, because I've heard that statement more often than the thoughts in my own brain."

Through all this, Hunter never stops looking at you.

As if on cue, before you can overanalyse why he's staring into the depths of your soul right now, the bell rings wildly in your ears.

"Well, we should probably get going to class, huh?" Willow points out. "There's still more I wanted to read though-"

"Yes, that's amazing but I sincerely beg, let's get to class."

As you both hear the huddle of footsteps coming your way, Hunter takes you by the arm-ohmyfuckinggod again-and drags you off to that same reclusive spot to hide away.

Though, he's still holding your hand. Rather tightly, but loose enough that you could tug your arm a bit and you'd let go. Will you do that? Fuck no.

Though, once the footsteps fade, you look to Hunter and realize he has no intention of heading to class, since his head is stuffed into his bag, looking for something.

"We're skipping?" You ask offhandedly, because the position is awkward. On one hand, you're holding a Hunter's gloved rings, and the with the free hand he has, he's rummaging through books. How lovely.

"Yep," Hunter nods, in case you weren't listening, when you hear him go aha! And he pulls out your precious, precious book, one you haven't seen in a while, the grimoire.

Just before you can express your joy at seeing your adopted child, Hunter shoves it into your arms and has a sharp object in hand.

"Prick your finger."

"Excuse me?" Is all you say as you're caught off guard.

"We have to try the magic thing, we already know your blood can do it!" Hunter looks at you, practically gleaming.

"Excuse me?" You repeat. Who knows if you have a fear of needles or something, but to be as,Ed like that so suddenly? Kind of crazy.

"Look, i was reading the book yesterday when I came across a hidden note in the cover! It said something like, Blood on the clutch, which means you need to prick your finger and put some blood on the clutch, and then I touch the blood, and then BOOM! Go off!"

"Wait, this is really sudden. What if it's your blood, not mine?"

"I already tried that, whoops. Didn't work, not happy, anyway, now that we know you're the palismen, this should work splendidly!"

You're hesitant, because needles are sharp, and pointy, and you don't want to prick yourself with a paper cut either, but damnit Hunter is looking at you with so much damn light in his eyes he's practically blinding you. He's still holding your hand too, on top of that.

Eventually, you nod. "Fine."

"YES!" He yells, bringing your hand to his face. Except, instead of what might be a romantic moment, he takes the needle, and lightly pricks your finger.

Thankfully, you're not sleeping beauty, so you don't immediately die. However, a bit of blood dribbles out.

Gently, your pricked finger is brought to the grimoires lovely clutch seal, and-

As soon as you touch it, our vision is overwhelmed with a flurry of different colours.

Blue, pink, green, yellow, it's like a rainbow, but with all the colours mismatched!

Promptly, you scream, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" but soon come to realize, no words are leaving your mouth at all.

There's a prompt jingling of bells that rings in your ears, soft, but sharp enough that you can't ignore it.

Ding, ding, ding...

There's a fog over your eyes, as you try to grasp where Hunter is through all these colours.

Though, you feel the squeeze of gloves on your palm, and you know exactly where he is.

You're suddenly looking into him, and his eyes are clearer first-he's looking right at you-then his hands-holding yours tightly-then his face, where he promptly looks awestruck at you.

You, it almost echoes in your ears, as Hunter all but whispers it.

You notice, the air around you both sparkles, and the colours are now more pleasant than obtrusive, and all the while, you're looking at Hunter, as the shape of his jaw is excentuated through the gleaming light of colours around you, and how his nose frames his face so perfectly, and his eyebags only make his eyes look more endearing the more you stare into them.

You, it almost echoes in his ears, as you all but whisper it.

The sky sparkles, and you both feel a soft breeze around you and all Hunter sees is-


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