[8] - Please Don't Desert Me, Please Don't Desert Me

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A/N: What do we do when we're upset? That's right, we fuck shit up!
This might be the time where I actually take a full week off of writing, since my exams this week are literally all the worse subjects back to back (whyyy universe whyyyy).
Also, thank you so much for 500 reads!!!! I couldnt have made it without yall imma sob


The days start to pass by, and each day, you'd somehow find yourself invited to Hunter's home to just do absolutely nothing. At some point, you'd forgotten why you go there in the first place.

Hunter has, too. Because he just invites you as soon as he walks out the gates. You get the notification on your phone (still littered with typos) just as he leaves the room. You go to his home, sit there for a few hours, him helping you complete assignments and you keeping him company.

Shit, what were you doing there?

Through those days, you felt more comfortable around him, and you two had gotten much accustomed to sitting next to one another.

You carried the second story of the project in your hands, making your way to your locker like any other day. Though, today, Luz and Willow aren't waiting for you.

It shouldn't be as worrying as you felt. Lately, they only seemed to greet you, then run off with zero context. They were always busy half an hour away from the bell, always had to go, but at the least they took the effort to greet you, right?

In your head, you knew maybe you were just paranoid out of your mind. It was a week of projects, after all. They had their own things to prepare for. This isn't unnerving in any way at all.

In your head you mashed the paper of the distraught you felt and put it in your imaginary trash bin where you threw all your unwanted thoughts into. Hey, at least Hunter would be in class to greet you. No fret.


To your relief, Hunter is there, in the same seat that he always is. Front row, against the wall, his bag tossed somewhere under the desk.

"Hey!" You yell. "Good Friday."

He looks up from The Grimoire, turning his head to look at you. You notice he's seemed to be reading it more and more these days. Somehow, in every moment of free time he had, he's clutching the book for dear life and reading its contents like the book 'In Deeper Waters'.

"I think the correct wording would be 'Good Morning'," he teases, but it's in a tone that shows no real weight.

"Fridays are usually good," you lie. Somehow Fridays always sucked. "Or maybe it's just wishful thinking."

"Awesome, because I have amazing news this terrible Friday," Hunter sits up, placing the book on the desk. He reaches under his desk and pulls out the third story. "Tada!"

We're you surprised? No, not really. But you still acted like it because he seemed so happy.

He takes your expressions as a form of victory, placing the project on the desk. "It'll be done by today! I've got the interior furniture bought already, at home. By Monday, we'll have it all done and rest can await us!"

"What would we even do once we were done? These classes are all for the project anyway."

"Anything we want!" Hunter cheers. "Read, do assignments, talk, whatever it is!"

The idea of doing assignments had started to become much more doable, with Hunter helping you out. It still wasn't favourable, but it stopped feeling too impossible.

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now