[3] - I'm Gonna Fail, I'm Gonna Die

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A/N: I listen to hunter playlists while writing this, and boy, this is the third fucking playlist with teenagers by mcr. I was singing teenagers by mcr before writing this fic at all. The world is all coming together.


Hunter has his head in his hands, distraught. "Oh my God, we're screwed."

You laugh nervously, scratching the back of your head. You can't exactly deny that.

"You, stay here. I'm going to ask the teacher to get me to switch teammates because this simply isn't fair," Hunter scowls at you. You scowl back, but he's already walked away.

"Teacher," he asks. "I'd like to switch partners."

Said teacher fixes their glasses, looking at him. "Why is that?"

"Y/n is perfectly incapable of doing any work and they're just going to drag down my grades since this is a collective grading system. I demand to switch with someone who's actually able to do work."

The teacher laughs, and Hunter is caught off guard. "Hunter, I meant to put you both in a team because you're perfectly capable of helping Y/n out with their grades. you're an amazing student, I'm sure you'll work things out."

"But I-"

"Go back to your seat, Hunter."

And he does that. Sadly, you're the first to witness his sour attitude.

"Ugh, I can't believe I'm stuck with you," he continues, ignoring you completely as he sits back down. "Is there anything you're good at in math?" Hunter links his hands together, pointer fingers, pointing to you. "Anything at all?"

"Uh," You look away. "Boy I do hope adding, subtracting, multiplying, and basic division count. And yes, you are stuck with me, asshole."

Hunter grimaces, head slamming down on the table. "Screwed."

The silence between you drags out, and you've honestly wished this would all end. You figured this would happen eventually, but now that it did, you hated it.

You tried your best. You did what you could. It's not your fault you just couldn't retain any information you read. Reading was like eating paper and swallowing it hoping it'd taste like mangos.

Maybe if you tried harder, things would be easier. Maybe if you took time out of your life and spent that studying instead, that would get you a measly pass in at least something.

"I've figured it out!" Hunter jumps out of his seat, hands smacking your incoming face. "Ah, sorry."

You wave it off.

"I could do all the work!" He whisper shouts once he's made sure you're not hurt. "I'm confident I can do the three stories, furnish it out, and get the total calculations. We can say you did the interior design part."

"Wait, you want to lie?"

"What of it? I'm perfectly capable of doing twice as much work as half the students here," If grins could kill, his could definitely do that. "Just think about it! Not only will we pass with flying colours, you'll get your first full mark and extra credit."

You intertwine your hands together. The idea sits with you for a while. Surely, you can't be okay with lying? But oh, the thought of that pretty red A where the previous F would be sounds more intriguing than you'd ever think to admit.

Maybe you wouldn't have to sacrifice your free time in that case.

"Come oon," Hunter chides, hand on your shoulder. He's officially become a villain with how prideful he's acting. "Think of the praise! Going from a complete and utter failure to the BEST student in class, right alongside me. People will sing praise to you and your achievements. There's nothing to lose."

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now