[15] - oh, how I meant to tease him, oh, how I meant no harm

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A/N: The titleee....


Hunter blinks, just as he looks at YOU. Hunter takes in all of YOU.

God if you could see yourself in these lights.

Maybe, hunters blinded by you, because no matter what he does, what he tries to think about, he cant steer his eyes away from you.

What the hell did he get himself into?

Sure, he's seen you differently for a while, but he's never seen you like this. Pretty. Handsome. Gorgeous. Can someone be pretty and handsome and gorgeous? He's wondering if thats just the description to describe how he thinks of you.

"You, uh," he stammers. "Uh, uhm, you, look like a fucking rainbow."

Ah. Of all the things that could come out of his mouth.

Despite all things, you snort, laughing a bit at the first words he's spoken since... since....

What were you doing? Right before this?

All you can remember is Hunter. His big stupid adorable grin when he shoves the grimoire into your hands and pulls out a fucking needle.

That's right! The grimoire!

You look down at where it should be in your hands, but, you realise, it isn't in your hands at all.

Instead of a grimoire, there's... a blue, small, post-it note. A flash card, if you will

When did that get in your hands?

Hunter follows your gaze, wondering why you've suddenly broken eye contact with him and-


The side you're looking at is blank, and as you reach to turn it to the other side to inspect it, you hear,

"No! Don't look at it!"

You startle, putting it back to its previous position. "Why not?"

You look at Hunter, and he's.... grabbing your forearm. With his free hand that isn't holding your other hand at the moment.

When did he hold your hand? Before the forearm? Why didn't you feel it before?

Hunter's expression is firm, desperate, like he'll die if you turn the flash card or something. Like the world will end.

You don't turn it over, out of respect, since he seems very adamant on preventing you from even looking at its blank side, but a mischevious part of you wonders if you should.... juuust take a peek.

You're obviously curious. Who wouldn't be?

You smile cheekily, looking to Hunter's face. He hasn't responded.

"Well?" You repeat, a sudden rush of power flowing through you. "I can just, turn it over..."

"Don't!" Hunter near-shouts. How is no one else hearing this? He leans forward, frightened out of his mind. The grip on your arm tightens.

"And what if I did?" You pester him, testing just how far you can take this. "Its not some, deep dark secret or anything? Something you plan to tell your uncle and not me?"

"No, nothing like that!" Hunter presses on, desperate to keep you away from the damn paper.

He's leaned forward even more, you can practically see his cold white breath on you. When did it get so chilly? And breezy?

"It's cold," you breathe out, realizing that you, too, have cold white breath. Theres a knob in your throat now, at how close Hunter is. You barely breathe any more than you should.

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now