[24] - Do you like it when I'm away?

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P.S this chapter does not follow "you" as the reader. The reader is only mentioned in passing, but no one here is interacting with you directly.

I normally skip these summaries, but I think it was confusing whose perspective it was at the beginning.

Lady = name of the principal


"Good morning," Belos walks into Lady's office, completely unprompted.

Lady doesn't need to look up to know who's there. The man of her best dreams, the man of her worst nightmares. "Can I help you?" she answers flatly.

"Your tone could be considered dismissive, darling," Belos coos, grin wide and welcoming. "I thought you'd missed me."

Deep down, in her mind, she did miss him. If anything, she lay awake at night wishing it was him next to her, instead of the empty, barren room and her many miseries. But she'd never admit it.

Phillip always waltzed in like this - a nice quiet morning on a random day, hair styled in a pony, an old, sophisticated charm and kind eyes - saying that he missed her, wanted to see her, and asked about Hunter, then left for another few days. Even weeks.

Deep down, she knows Phillip doesn't care one bit about her. All Phillip wants is his magic, her usefulness and Hunter's undying loyalty.

There was no love, there was no affection, and there was certainly no missing.

"Stop pretending," she parrots. "Hunter's been falling behind."

"Oh," Phillip's demeanour drops, replaced with one of feigned surprise.

"He's been falling behind on work for the past week. Hasn't submitted anything, isn't paying attention in class... is there something going on?"

"I have no clue where this behaviour is coming from."

Lady almost clicked her tongue -- an idiot would know to never trust those words. "Well, look into it. If this keeps up, his entire career path will fall apart at the seams. He hasn't even signed up for any of the school's volunteer work for the past two weeks."

Phillip walks closer, his steps languid, yet smooth, and confident. In seconds, he's passed her desk, one hand on hers which lay working on a paper, his other moving to gently caress her cheek.

"Well, anyway," he drawls sweetly, thumbing the deep blushed makeup. "I've got a catalyst."

"You what?" Lady's voice stutters, breath caught in her throat. She nearly yanks away from him -- at this point, she has no idea if it's because Phillip's's breath is on her lips, or if she's shocked.

"I'd like to thank you for all you've done for me so far, my Lady," Phillip whispers. "I figured you'd want a reward, hmm?"

"I..." She looks at his lips and flushes.

Phillip chuckles and leans in.


Hunter can't sit still, not one bit.

He's frantically running around at school, early in the morning, looking left and right for Willow, Luz and Gus.

Ever since a week ago, his eye bags only get deeper and deeper as he didn't dare sleep. If anything, Hunter's just been planning left and right how the hell he's going to get you back but hasn't found anything useful at all, because he has no magic here. Not without you.

"Titan, I'm so stupid!" He curses, hugging Flapjack who is tucked in his jacket. "I should've never told Belos anything, I should've never taken that Grimoire, I should've never-"

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