[20] - Together we laugh, together we cry; These simple feelings were all I had

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correction: title is "[20] - Together we laugh, together we cry; These simple feelings were MAYBE all I had"

Also, this gif was titled "NOW THIS GOES. IN THE CHAPTER AFTER THE CONFESSION" I really know my values


You're so giddy with excitement as you walk next to Hunter. He's nervous out of his mind, his gaze constantly glancing at your hand and then you, then back to the floor and his face is flushed a deep red.

The mere thought of the fact you're in a relationship with Hunter sends shivers up your spine and your head all tingly.

Ah, and Luz, Willow and Gus are there too.

"You two FINALLY got together! Wow, I for one kind of assumed Hunter was going to be single forever, before you two met!" Luz skips in her step. Hunter groans next to you.

He's grumbling something incoherent, refusing to acknowledge her there.

"I miss Amityyyyyyy," Luz continues. "Just you wait, Emperor Belos! I will find you!"

"I'M RIGHT HERE," Hunter yells. "I CAN HEAR YOU."

"I know that, it just doesn't matter because you don't believe me when I told you he's evil!"

Hunter rolls his eyes, scooting closer to you. "Yeah, sure, Human. He's an icon! The pinnacle of magic! He created the coven system, and now, the Boiling Isles are doing just fine! Everything is in order. All thanks to my amazing uncle," He puffs his chest out in pride. "Wouldn't you agree, lover?"

Your head snaps at him. You are doubling in pain from your neck cracking.

"Oh no, no, Y/N!" Hunter kneels to look at you as you clutch your neck in pain. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Aha. He's not helping. He isn't helping at all.



"I'm fine," you wince. Hunter is not convinced. "I promise, it's just, holy fuck, you caught me off guard."

"Ouuuu, is it because he called you..." Gus drawls, a cheeky grin on his face as he looks Hunter dead in the eye. "Lover?"

Hunter flushes a deep, deep red.

"Isn't that customary?! L-Luz has no issues calling that Blight girl her girlfriend constantly! And calling her a sweet potato!"

"That's-- yeah I've got nothing to say to that."

Your pain finally subsides, and you stand back up straight. You place your hands on Hunter's shoulders. Stiffly, you grip his shoulders. "Continue to call me that. You have my EXPLICIT permission."

Hunter's whole face is a tomato. "Obviously, I had no other plans anyway..."


Hunter glares at her, before looking back to you, his expression softening. "I-I'm glad you're okay," He looks away. "Lover."

"Sure, boyfriend," you reply, your face having heated up to match the temperature of a grand volcano's.

You haven't felt so cared for by someone in a long ass time. It's only been a half-hour and he's treated you better than practically any guy. Minus the prior talk.

There's a warmth that blooms in your chest. You're damn glad he didn't stop chasing after you.


"Oh no, we didn't finish our lunch," Willow notes, looking to her feet. "My sandwich..."

"My bad," you reply. "I forgot."

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now